Hello fellow smurfers!!
I recently was thrilled when I bought a lot of rare smurfs on Ebay.
Unfortunately joy turned to horror when the smurfs arrived. As I was cleaning them, paint started to come off!!! I had paid a small fortune and went bezerk on the seller!!! Anyway he agreed to refund me and now I will return them.
The problem is I cant determine what is real and what is not! . It turns out that some of the smurfs do not have the more common colors under their "fake" paint but appear to be "raw". For instance the Champion (Green) and Chaingang (red) smurfs are white underneath their paint. If they were fakes the gold wreath would be under the green wreath and the yellow shoes would be under the red.
So my question is this - does anyone own these smurfs and does the paint remove easily with an earbud? Are any of these smurfs genuine or are they fake? Please reply ASAP as I have to make a decision on what to keep and what not to.
Thank you all!!!