Yup this smurf came from Tina's collection. I think I overdid it with buying her things as I am in smurf debt up to my eyeballs, but she is VERY cool about it and letting me pay it off over time so that helps.
I received two boxes from her and this past week I went to her dad's house where she is visiting (boy I would be in big trouble if she moved back to wisconsin) but at her dad's she found more stuff that she forgot about and needless to say I picked up everything. My smurf mobile was FULL all I kept thinking of on the way home was if I get in an accident there will be smurfs allover the highway
She's the reason I had to revamp my web page as I was cramming everything together and it looked crappy. I still have to add all the stuff I picked up from her which will take a good long time in itself. My house is now officailly overun with smurfs, but it's fun!!