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Postby Rachel » Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:56 pm
I shall look forward to seeing a pic Max. :-D
I think Jessica is getting confused between a rottie and a pug. She couldn't seem to understand that it was not going to be wearing little fluffy jackets and co-ordinating boots to go for a walk-yes my daugther wants to be the next Paris Hilton
I don't see why not! :)

Just a quick update to say my Mother is doing fine. They have been away for a few days in Germany and guess what, I think I must have taught them well as they have got me the larger Schleich tree to go with the village and 2 smurfs!!! :grinning:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:48 pm
Well Rach, think small, think cute and sweet and cuddly and affectionate and then think the opposite
It's not me...honest :-?
I think Jessica is getting confused between a rottie and a pug. She couldn't seem to understand that it was not going to be wearing little fluffy jackets and co-ordinating boots to go for a walk-yes my daugther wants to be the next Paris Hilton :lol:
Uh-oh Max :shock:

Could be worse.....she could want to be like.....um.....um.....uh-oh


PS - Nice to hear you have a new puppy joining the family

PPS - Also very nice to hear Mum is doing well Rach....and even buying smurf accessories :shock: ......she has improved BIG TIME :D
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