Shorts/episodes in question:
No Time For Smurfs (11)
A Wolf in Peewit's Clothing (11)
All Hallow's Eve (22)
Smurfquest, Part 1 (22)
Smurfquest, Part 2 (22)
Bringing Up Bigfeet (11)
Smurf On The Wild Side, Part 2 of 2 (22)
The Smurfy Verdict (11)
Chlorhydris' Lost Love (11)
Prince Smurf (11)
Sassette's Hive (11)
A Long Tale For Grandpa (11)
Nobody Smurf (11)
The number is () is the minutes of the short or episode.
This is what I have recorded, and can prove:
Excellent quality for 243 episodes, 6 specials, 1 movie
Poor quality for 10½ episodes
Missing 8½ episodes, 1 special
Total of 262 half-hour episodes, 6 specials, and 1 movie
Most of those episode guides in books and online are really off too, by the way. Lots of shorts are mixed around, episodes out of order, etc.
Anybody have one of these on a tape somewhere?