I recently bought this green Johan, it has obviously been repainted at some point as I can clearly see yellow patches in several places. What does make it slightly odd though is that the seller mentioned this in the auction but claimed that it was done like this by Schleich and this is how it left the factory, at least, that is how I translated it. If I am wrong, I would really appreciate someone who speaks German to tell me please.
Here is the description:
It arrived in a sealed bag, which again, I know means nothing as this can be done so easily these days. What does puzzle me slightly though is the seller's claims and also the fact that EVERY green Johan I have seen close up has had the yellow underneath.
Bei dieser seltenen Variante wurden von der Firma Schleich die Johanns mit der gelben Jacke uebermalen,anders hat es diese Variante aber nicht gegeben.
100%ige Schleich Bemalung,daher natuerlich Original.
I didn't pay very much for him and I am not really trying to prove to myself or anyone else that he is infact genuine but I was just wondering if anyone else had any opinions on this or if they knew any more about the claim about the green Johans being "overpainted".