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Have you seen the movie: "The Magic Flute" ?

Total votes : 41

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:48 am
I haven't seen the film but if it's just been released in germany I'm gonna have to see if I can track down a copy :D
Hi Tojo,

the dvd has just been released. :D I think I might buy my copy after having survived Utrecht on April 14th and 15th, unless I have no money left.

http://www.amazon.de/Die-Schl%C3%BCmpfe ... 889&sr=1-1

Postby Rachel » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:01 am
Does anyone know if the DVD has only been released in Germany or is it available anywhere else or in other languages? :?
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Postby Cool Smurf » Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:38 pm
I have a DVD copy of The Magic Flute that I transfered from the video ( it was going weird).

I thought it was a little strange that Gargamel and some Smurfs weren't in it, but I still like it. 8)
Robin, you dog, you- Vanity "The Adventures of Robin Smurf"

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:32 am
Does anyone know if the DVD has only been released in Germany or is it available anywhere else or in other languages? :?

Hi Rachel :hiya:

I'm afraid that the dvd has only been released in Germany. :( :(

Postby Rachel » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:57 am
Does anyone know if the DVD has only been released in Germany or is it available anywhere else or in other languages? :?

Hi Rachel :hiya:

I'm afraid that the dvd has only been released in Germany. :( :(
Thanks Dominique, I shall have to keep my fingers crossed then. :fingersx:
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Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:02 am
I will cross my fingers for you, too. :fingers:

Postby Tojo » Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:23 am
I finally got a copy of the DVD at the weekend while shopping in Frankfurt :D When I opened it up a sticker fell out too so that was a nice surprise. I watched the film with the kids & we all loved it :-D

Here's a picture of the DVD, sticker & a comic that I picked up in a 2nd hand comic store in Frankfurt not long ago & which must have been relaeased at the same time as the film (1975?).
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:04 am
Awwwww congratulations Tojo!!! :cheers:

Great to know, that your children enjoy the smurfs, too. :-D

Postby steveparkes » Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:20 am
Great sticker Tojo - I love that image of Johan :)
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby Tojo » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:04 am
:) :) Yeah it'd make a great figure although I don't know how you'd make it float in mid-air like that :eek:
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby puffo » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:25 am
i have voted yes...that film is great!
in italy the title is a bit different "il flauto a sei puffi"...this would be in english like "the six smurf flute"...
i don't know if the DVD exist in italian! :-?
non è puffo tutto ciò che luccica!
it isn't smurf all that shines!

Postby paolo » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:30 pm
It does not. I've been looking for an original version of it in Italian for the last 3 years, and the only things that I came upon were bootleg copies recorded from TV, with the Italia1 logo. I already have that in VHS, and I remember recording it myself many years ago when I was younger and that movie was programmed on TV each and every Christmas!

Postby smurfieduck » Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:36 pm
I have the video of this movie and I love it!!!! :-D
smurfieduck :-)

Carry on Smurfin' - and have a Smurfin' good day!!!!

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:16 pm
That's not a bad find Tojo...and a bonus sticker never hurts either :D


Postby Rachel » Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:43 am
Hi Tojo, nice find, good to see you have found the DVD. :-D

Interesting to see the two pics of the DVD and comic. At first glance they look to be the same then I noticed the different colour of Johan's shirts (yes I know I am sad!) and then noticed lots of other slight differences between the two pics. :D
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Postby Tojo » Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:06 pm
:lol: :lol: I hadn't noticed the shirt difference Rachel :) Just goes to show how little attention I pay to detail :o :) I must admit that I loved the film.

What is also interesting is that I have the normal German comic book version of 'the magic flute' & it has completely different captions in the speech bubbles than this 'film' version. Maybe they had different translators, who knows....
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:28 pm
I have it on video and watch it every now and then. It is difrent from the cartoon series but its a great little pice of smurf history in the making. I remember when I first watched it years ago as a boy when my parents rented it out from the video shop. :lol: Loved it then still love it now. :-D

Smurfy regards
Steve. :D
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