I'm sorry that I didn't know that was you Tintin ....He thats me and my dad on 004 and 020.
But is that my best side to take a picture ??
Thank you Maureen !!Those are great pictures, Smurfer...and wonderful new smurfs you got...you have been very busy...keep on..keep on
Yess !!! The next fair in The Netherlands will be on the 8th of April (first easter day) in Utrecht , and I will be there too !!Will you go back to the next fair? I think it's 8 april???
I really can't come ....Are you sure you wont come to Passion????
I'm looking forward to meeting you Tintin !!Maybe we can talk next time
That's all that matters isn't itNo i didn't find big items, some funny fake smurfs.
But i was very happy with them.
Hi Tojo, I am fairly sure that there are some smurf fairs in Germany. I don't know any more details but I do remember some sellers mentioning they also sell at fairs in Germany.I so wish there were some smurf fairs here too.
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