I spent three hours listing some items on Ebay last night, no smurfs I'm afraid, but some items such as records and unwanted Christmas pressies, to try and make a bit of cash.
I got up this moring all excited to see if we had any watchers or even any bids only to find that Ebay had cancelled them all because we mentioned that we accept cash in the description.

This must be a relatively new rule as I was using the same text as I had done for years and had been using it on auctions as recent as October last year.
It wasn't an option or anything that I had ticked, purely that I mentioned that we accept £ GBP. € Euro and $ USD...........
Apparently you cannot mention that you will accept cash!

I am going to have to re-list all the items now and take out the offending line of text. Grrrrrr to Ebay.

Okay, rant over and I am now feeling a little bit happier now that the 2007 smurfs have arrived.