Hmmm??..Do i have christmas traditions or do i just fit everything in where i can?
Christmas i usually visit my auntie and uncle,who became very much my adoptive guardians/role models after my parents divorced when i was little,i have them to thank for the person i am today (they always kept me on the straight and narrow).My kids love going there as they get to see the squirrels playing in there garden.Then it`s home to take a walk around our local area to look at everyone elses christmas decorations,before coming home to put out the mince pies,carrots and drinks for Santa and his reindeers.(when i was little it was beer for santa...but i think he must of been pulled over for drink driving as it is now only milk lol

).As soon as the kids are in goes the turkey!!,and as the smells of the large beast begin to filter throughout the house Mrs Elv and i bring the pressies out of there hiding places and place them under the tree and on the sofa`s (generally 2 massive piles for the kids and 2 smaller ones for us adults

).then it`s woof goes the mince pie and milk with a ho ho ho as we settle down to try and find something to watch on tv until the bird has cooked.
Xmas day=Kids up!!!....everyone up!!!...massive flurry of paper!! lots of ooh`s and aah`s and wow`s before dad has to fetch his trusty screwdriver..(not so much as to put things together,but to get all the toys out of there packaging

),whilst mum and kids phone everyone to say thankyou for the presents that we can`t remember they gave us ,as the tags got lost in the frenzy of getting the pressies open asap

Veg` goes on and the turkey gets steamed until hot and we all sit down for xmas dinner to discover we forgot the stuffing/parsnips etc (always something every year).
When we`re all suitably stuffed the kids will play with the toys or watch tv whilst i clean the mountain of dishes and pots that have built up in the production of the afore-mentioned meal.
This year we have my in-laws coming around for xmas tea and the evening,which will make a pleasant change,as it is usually just the 4 of us.
Boxing day=(in response to pitufo-boxing day was traditionally the day when the rich folk gave presents to their servants...usually the left overs of their own christmas boxes...or so i believe!)..anyway Boxing day...YAY!! of the highlights of my year....the King George chase from Kempton..a race won in the past by such greats as Desert orchid,Best mate (r.i.p.

),Edredon bleu,Kicking king etc..A whole 5-10 mins where me and Mrs Elv shout at the tv,and feel the joys or lows of this 3 mile champion chase..(usually followed by those famous words...i was gonna pick him lol),then its wait as the footy results filter through..i used to go to the Argyle match if they were playing at home until the children were born...usually a good atmosphere with lots of turkey sandwiches being passed around...oh!! and a game of football to watch aswell..a good day out!
And that is pretty much as traditional as i get (chaos rules here!!)
My one christmas wish...SNOW!!...and plenty of it. (it has become such a rarity to have in the South-west of the UK....the whole rest of this fair isle can be snow bound and what do we get???....Rain!!..typical Plymouth!).
Don`t think i`ll be getting any smurfy items from santa,as my wife has told him NOT!! to bring any
Have a merry christmas all,whatever you do.