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Postby Smurfysmurf » Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:38 am
I am in a really Christmassy mood this week..and really can't wait for the next two days.

What traditions do you have?

We have been able to combine some of the German traditions with the American ones and it's fun.

Christmas Eve is a really busy day for me as I usually have to work a few hours (it's not a holiday over here), clean the house, wrap the last pressies, and cook my special potato salad. In Germany, we used to have what we called "bunte Teller" which is nothing more than a plateful of candy and chocolates (one per person) so I prepare those as well (having bought the choccies in Germany or Granny sent some over).

I meet the family at church for the Candle light service in the Evening, reminding all of us for the real reason of the season. Afterwards, we all meet at my house to eat potato salad with some Wieners (the long ones that Mum has specially ordered from a German store). After that we open the gifts and tear into the "Bunte Teller". :mrgreen:

The next day we all meet for the traditional American dinner (Ham (we have turkey at Thanksgiving), dressing, cranberry sauce, potatos (harsh and sweet) several casseroles and most importantly..desserts) at my parents place. Curt's grandchildren had already been there by that time as they always stop by their Grandpas to unwrap theirs gifts early in the morning (not quite that early anymore now that they are Teenagers :) ). Mum then hands each of us our Santa stockings filled with American chocolates and little stocking stuffers (small gifts).
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby SmurfingH » Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:31 pm
When I was little, we used to leave pillow cases at the bottom of the bed for Santa to fill on Christmas Eve. :-D That meant we had to leave a glass of sherry and a mince pie out for him. In the morning the pillowcases were full of presents! We always woke up really early but we had to wait until Mum and Dad considered it a "decent hour" before we could climb in their bed and open our Santa gifts. :) :) We used to get smurfs in those pillow cases! :D

On Christmas Day, those that want to go to church for the early service. Then we have a big turkey dinner for lunch with 3 stuffings - parsley, chestnut and sausage meat. After that, we used to listen to the Queen's speech but often lunch hasn't finished in time. In the afternoon we have a present opening session - we usually have a lot of family over so it can take forever! When we feel hungry again, we have tea, which in our house is home baked bread rolls and smoked salmon. Yummy! Then the Christmas cake. Then usually Dr Who!

On Boxing Day, we either have the same people or some extras. We eat cold turkey and ham with hot veg. It's very nice and almost better than Christmas Day! Then, if we have people who weren't there the day before, we have another present opening session followed by tea - more salmon rolls and cake. Then we chat/fall asleep/ watch a film until it's time to go home.

Sometimes family Christmases are stressful but sometimes they're a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to this year. :-D :-D I do know that I'm getting something very smurfy if I'm a good girl. :whistle:

Great thread Moey! :D

Postby Cassiebsg » Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:06 pm
At our home in Portugal, it's normally family x-mas. :)
On the 24th we join in the afternoon at one of the houses (it circles between 3 - my parents and 2 of my uncles), then we have dinner - huge dinner! Starts with soup (might be more than one kind to choose from), 2 to 3 main dishes: Cod, Turkey and one that varies (pork with clams, octopus rice, etc), then we attack the deserts: chocolate mouse, pineaple, fruit salad, and some other cakes and x-mas deserts. :-D

Once we're done with dinner... around 11PM, we rest a little, talk and stuff until midnight, time at wish we then start giving the presents (that were placed under the tree when people arrived). We're at it for the next couple hours (have been years that this was finished around 4AM!! :shock: ) After that we thank everyone for the gifts, have tea and cake (yes, again :lol:) Then ppl go home.
When we were kids one of the adults would dress up as santa and then ring the door bell and come with a bag of presents to us. :-D

The next day, when me and my brother woke up, there would always be a net or bag of chocolates and candy laying on our bet or hanging on our roof lamp. :) :) :) :)
Then we would rush to the x-mas tree to find the last presents from our parents and open them (if xmas hadn't been at our home). Then off to the xmas host's home again for lunch/dinner left overs. :D

On all that, I should add that we do skip over the church services, since all my familly belongs to the group better know as "non praticant catholic". Also why we have meat on the 24th, as tradition says that on the 24th a good catholic can't eat meat - only fish. Meat should only come on the 25th.

Around here, it's all so much quieter, since my bf's familly isn't very big.
We have Duck and Pork for dinner on the 24th/25th. No presents either, as they have agreed not to give presents to each other. We don't even put up xmas decorations or a tree, since neither me or my bf are crazy about them (maybe when/if we have children).

PS - thought I had lost this now, as Macky dropped the mouse on the floor and the browser went "back". :shock:
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Tojo » Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:03 pm
Today I brought the xmas tree in from outdoors & put it in it's stand in the sunlounge so that it's got time to defrost slowly :)

Tomorrow, while I'm sleeping (I'm on night shift) the family will decorate the tree. Then in the evening, Mrs Tojo & the kids will go to the church service in the village. While they're away I'll distribute the presents around the tree & prepare the supper, Toast Hawaii. When they get back the tree candles will be lit, the children can go into the living room & while we're eating the presents will be opened.

On Friday we're having roast turkey but there won't be any more presents. On boxing day we'll be eating turkey biryani.

When I was a kid we used to put a sack outside our bedrooms & in the morning of the 25th it would be full of presents. Then me & me sister would charge into our parents bedroom so that we could open the presents. This was often before 7 am!! Later there'd be loads of goodies to eat (sweets & nibbles) & then a roast turkey dinner. There were also crackers to be pulled & silly hats to wear. We often watched the James Bond film & Chitty Chitty Bang Bang etc. On boxing day we'd usually go to my maternal grandparents where there'd be more of the same & more presents.
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Cassiebsg » Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:14 pm
Uhm... what's "boxing day"??? :?
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Tojo » Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:23 pm
:) :) I was forgetting that that isn't a term known everywhere. Sorry Sandra. Boxing day is 26th December.

According to Wikipedia:-

The name derives from the Anglo-Saxon tradition giving seasonal gifts to less wealthy people and social inferiors. Until their distribution, these gifts were stored in a "Christmas box", which was opened on December 26, when the contents were distributed. In the United Kingdom, this was later extended to various workpeople such as labourers and servants.
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Cassiebsg » Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:38 pm
Thanks. :-D

Over here it's just called "second xmas day" and it's a holiday. In Portugal the 26th is just a normal work day.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...
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