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Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:31 am
Hi all as a lot of you know i have really got in to this animating. :-D But im haveing some real BIG problems that I cant work out. I use Jasc Animation shop 3 that comes with Paintshop pro 9. But whats happening is........

I make each frame and merge all thats vissable and save all the individul images all seem to be fine there.

But when i try adding all the images together (still going ok) and saving the animation all seems well but as soon as i open the saved animation 1 frame lets say frame 8 will keep adding bits into it like extra arms legs etc from other pics? I have tryed replacing the pic . removing the pic rubbing out the extra bits. but as soon as i have resaved it ether as a new animation or the curent one that 1 frame will have the extra bits back in it. If i just delite say frame 8 out of it it will just put all the extra bits back in to the next frame that them becomes frame 8. Sorry if i have confused you all :(

It isnt neceserly frame 8 all the time it can be any of the frames that it will hapen to in each new animation. I cant work it out can anyone else?
its ok if i colour the background but itw when i want it free floating it dos it on. :banghead:
Hope someone can help as it is really driving me up the wall. :banghead: :( :banghead: :( :banghead:

Smurfy regards,
Steve. :D

Postby Oprime » Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:24 am
I assume you are making .gif animations, right? I'm sorry, I cannot help with the particular software as I'm only familiar with Adobe ImageReady, but if you happen to have full-version Photoshop (comes with IR included) I'll be happy to guide you through.

SCU Finland>>Smurfs display
Ei leiki, ei pelleile!

Postby Bunno Smurf » Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:35 am
Thats what I use too, Pauli. I told Steve I could help if he was using that.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby hfos » Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:35 am
Steve, isn't there a Jasc forum somewhere where people gather who use this software? I have no idea about it, as I never used it.
These days I use Adobe's After Effects for animation, which is so utterly fantastic it's ridiculous. Also, I notice Imageready is missing from the Photoshop CS3 beta, but that might have to do with the fact that it is just that, a beta. Photoshop is sublime again, though.

Postby Bunno Smurf » Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:51 pm
Thats what I suggested too. I said there must be some kind of helpdesk thing or forum. Makes sense to have one. Theres definitely a photoshop tutorial/helpdesk and I got started on there and then figured out the rest myself.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:57 pm
I am trying out photo shop now and so far i have managed to fix a few of the problems with the help of Linda. :-D its still doing the same thing on 1 or two of them but all in all solved alot of the bugs so far. :D I will keep you all posted as to what happens next lol

Smurfy regards
Steve. :D :cheers:

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:23 am
Well it seems im still having all the same problems with this program too. The individual images are still adding other images in to the pics. :( So if anyone can help i am all ears lol :) :D

Smurfy regards
Steve. :D

Postby Oprime » Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:14 pm
For each frame you have to define the visible layers one by one. Example: you have a .psd image with 3 layers, each representing one frame in your final animation. You open this image in ImageReady, and leave the layer #1 visible (and click the other two layers invisible). Then you add a new frame, in which you define layer #2 visible (and layers 1 & 3 invisible). The same way, for the third frame leave only the layer #3 visible.

If you accidentally leave more than one layer visible in any of the frames, you'll end up with the effect you have been struggling with.

Hope this helps. Please ask if I left something unclear.


edit: sorry, I had the word frame mixed up with layer in the beginning of the example. Its fixed now, hope I didn't get you confused
SCU Finland>>Smurfs display
Ei leiki, ei pelleile!
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