Hi All; Just to keep you apprised as what's going on with me. I went and interviewed for a job this morning. Maybe you do or don't know what I did. I fixed copiers for 34 years. While I was talking to the Service manager the owner of the company knocked on the door and came in. He stated he wanted to meet me. I was a little amazed, but I had sent them a Resume last week. And I just put it off to he must have read my Resume. I found out from my old boss that a big wig at Minolta had called them while I was talking to the service manager, and expressed his wish that I handle the contract. Which is twice the size of any contract I have ever worked. Can I handle it. I don't even know, it maybe a two man job. We will see. I guess I gotta wait until I get hired. Or passed over to tell you anymore.

for me.