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Postby Tojo » Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:21 am
I've just read this article in the online version of the Guardian:-

http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/ma ... e-bill-itv

I haven't watched The Bill since leaving the UK in 1991 but I rarely missed an episode back then. This will be sad news for our Bill fans out there....
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby bradley » Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:03 pm
sad news for me :( huge fan of The Bill. I visited the studio in the UK in November with Martina (smurfy3msl1). Lucky we went or I would have never had the chance. It had always been a dream of mine... so it was amazing to stand outside the fictional Sun Hill police station tv set. I've watched The Bill since mid-late 90s. Never miss an episode. Sit down every saturday night, its always been there. have the earlier years from 84-90 on dvd, have autographs, have met actors from the show, have books, and other memorabilla etc... So its a very sad day. I was in shock when I read the axing news last night. Very disappointed.

They made all these cut backs and changes to the show last year. Axed half the cast, went from 2 episodes a week to 1, changed the timeslot, axed the longest serving cast member, ditched the iconic theme tune, changed the whole look of the show... all these changes I think has killed the show. It was a slow start with the new look episodes but its starting to get really good at the moment. Recent episodes have been excellent. They seem to blame ratings and other crap reasons for canceling the show. Not happy I'll be loosing my favourite show. Its always been there, I never thought I'd see the day when they'd cancel it. They finish filming in June.. final episodes air in the UK in August/September.. so final eps will air in Australia near end of year. it will be very sad to see the show end.

:( :( :( :( :(

oh and on top of The Bill being axed, my other favourite tv series has just been officially canceled today as well. "24" is ending this year. But at least they are planning to do a movie at some point. So 2 of my favourite shows I've been watching for years are ending. My tv viewing is just about to fall apart. Battlestar Galactica ended last year... so did Power Rangers (which ends my other collection) all my tv shows I love are finishing. So I'm even more upset about all of this. :(
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