Andre, I think you sound more realistic than pessimistic.
I have to admit, I haven't watched the G20 so I can't comment on that.
Living in the US (I can't comment on the European side of things right now), I am very worried about the future. When big auto companies, that were the backbone of the US economy for the past 100 years start to go under...what else can and will happen?
We have a President, who might really try hard (sorry, I don't like him) but hearing him speak, I can only wonder, where will the money come from for his big plans, and who will be paying it? It's going to be our children and grandchildren, so they may not have the opportunity to spend as much money as we have been doing because they have to pay off our debts.
I have heard the 90s being compared to the roaring 20s and think it's a good comparision. Let's face it, we knew it was coming, so we shouldn't be surprised, the problem only is, we didn't prepare for it and now we have to pay the price for it.
In the US the crises began a few years ago (I think 8 years) but it was slowed down by the government putting money into the economy (bail outs, stimulus packages and building up the military). We all knew the recession was coming, and I think if everybody had let it happen back then, we would be much better off now, but of course that's when politics come into it, because who wants to have a recession on their watch. As it happened the recession still occured on our former President's watch.
Here is a more optimistic thought though..when you look back at history and see when great things happened (albeit they seemed small at the time) it was during times like these, so I think, looking back we will be able to say again that this recession wasn't so bad, because without it we wouldn't have (fill in the blanks). It also strengthened the people living back then, because it's only during hardship that you find out what you are capable of doing.
I have spoken a lot with older people back in Germany and also up here in the mountains of Tennessee, and no matter how different their lives were, they all went thru the recession in the 30s and the war and it's aftermath. Times were hard for all of them, and I often asked them "How in the world did you surive and deal with all this?"
Their answer was always the same, no matter where they live "We had no choice so we dealt with it and did the best we could." I always wondered if my generation would be able to surive times like these....Right now, we are finding it out....and I think, we can and will survive it