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Postby Azrael » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:14 am
I viewed another place yesterday and we will have two spare rooms for anyone who wants to stay over with us in southend...

Provided obviously you guys don't mind sharing a room with lots of smurfs and smurf memorabilia? :???:
www.britishcollectorsclub.com The Smurf Collectors Club

Postby Guest » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:27 am

Provided obviously you guys don't mind sharing a room with lots of smurfs and smurf memorabilia? :???:
Yes, that might be difficult to do :) :) Cheers for the offer Az, be careful what you offer to us tho, 6 of us might turn up on your doorstep :D 8-) 8-)

:-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:28 am
Provided obviously you guys don't mind sharing a room with lots of smurfs and smurf memorabilia?
That just sounds like a living nightmare............. :) :cloud9: :)

Good luck with the house hunting Az. :goodluck:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby FlamingO » Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:40 am
I still have to get to Memphis so that means at least another trip to Tennessee
That's a place I'd love to go to too :D We were well on our way by accident once when we got very lost looking for our hotel in Florida and ended up in Georgia. Turned a 15 minute trip into 5 hours :sad:

Don't remember ever going to Southend Azrael, but at least in the Midlands you are never too far from anywhere in UK :-D

Postby smurfieduck » Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:58 am
The Pussy Cat, Azrael wrote:
I viewed another place yesterday and we will have two spare rooms for anyone who wants to stay over with us in southend...

Provided obviously you guys don't mind sharing a room with lots of smurfs and smurf memorabilia
Be careful, Azrael, with what you offer on here because a certain duck just might take you up on your offer. Especially if it means spending the night with loads and loads smurfs. :-D :) :lol:

:cheers: :beer:

PS: are you a boy cat or a girl cat?
smurfieduck :-)

Carry on Smurfin' - and have a Smurfin' good day!!!!

Postby eggie smurf » Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:33 am
PS: are you a boy cat or a girl cat?
You are hilarious, Duckface!! He's a boy cat ;)

And staying in a roomful of smurfs equals a definite lovely evening :D Not so sure about sharing with 6 other people though but maybe Beers can bring the :pinksofa: so there is enough room :)
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Guest » Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:44 am
:) :)

Done ! :D

It is a leightweight couch that can be moved from smurf house to smurf house as and when required ! Anything can happen behind the couch, even fish frying and shooting practice(gotta cater for Moey :D ) 8-) 8-)

:-D :beer:

Postby eggie smurf » Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:59 am
Anything can happen behind the couch, even fish frying and shooting practice(gotta cater for Moey :D ) 8-) 8-)
Ok I'm bringing my own :sofa: ....no fish frying there unless Dragon accidentally sneezes on me :o
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Guest » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:01 am
:) :) :)

:-D :beer:

Postby smurfieduck » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:46 am
Fishy wrote:
but maybe Beers can bring the so there is enough room

Even then, would there be enough room?? You see, you (fishface, that is); me (duckface, that is); AC (aka Aussie Chops Dyar); Beerface; and not forgetting our newest member Dominique, will all be fighting for the pink sofa.

There will definitely be 'fins' at dawn!! Face it, fishy, with those fins of yours, you know darn well you'd win fins down!!!! :) :lol:

smurfieduck :-)

Carry on Smurfin' - and have a Smurfin' good day!!!!

Postby eggie smurf » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:18 pm
There will definitely be 'fins' at dawn!! Face it, fishy, with those fins of yours, you know darn well you'd win fins down!!!! :) :lol:
Well that :pinksofa: is for all you girls .... the rest of the room is all for me :D
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:40 pm
I still have to get to Memphis so that means at least another trip to Tennessee
That's a place I'd love to go to too :D We were well on our way by accident once when we got very lost looking for our hotel in Florida and ended up in Georgia. Turned a 15 minute trip into 5 hours :sad:
If you make it to Memphis, drop in at my place :-D I live at the other end of Tennessee...but hey..Tennessee is worth a trip :D
I live about an hour north of Chattanooga, actually right between Nashville and Chatty :cheers:
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

If you are having problems registering on Blue Cavern, please click the "e-mail" link on my profile and send me an e-mail with your preferred username and e-mail. Thank you :D
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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:18 pm
I hope you get to Memphis as well someday Sue......I wanna go just cos of the music history there I guess. Someday I will get there......and yes I will drop in and SHARE a bottle of JD with you too Moey :) :)


PS - You may think that I am being quite generous allowing Moey to share her bottle of JD with me......but it's a con......we all know she doesn't drink :) :beer: :) :beer: :) :beer: :)

PPS - Me not fighting fins Sharon......me been there too......me got hurt :(

Postby eggie smurf » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:41 am

PPS - Me not fighting fins Sharon......me been there too......me got hurt :(
Yes, but we all know you love being fin-slapped :-D
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:46 pm
Why do ya think I'm always so naughty for Fishy

I didn't really ban everyone on the forum recently....but I think I should be fin-slapped for it all the same

If not....how about lying about banning everyone then?


PS - Just incase the answer is still no..........hey Fishy........look at me :neener:

Postby DrunkSmurf » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:15 am
If you make it to Memphis, drop in at my place :-D I live at the other end of Tennessee...but hey..Tennessee is worth a trip :D
I live about an hour north of Chattanooga, actually right between Nashville and Chatty :cheers:
My grandpa lives in Saltville VA. The nightmare drive (I hate driving, and there are no major air-routes near Saltville (Bristol, TN airport) that fly less than US$500) usually takes me through Nashville.

What is it that you like most about the south? Is it the weather? The culture? For whatever reason, probably because I'm acclimated to northern winters, I've never really felt at home in the south, except in New Orleans, but New Orleans is a separate country that recognizes US citizenship with no passport requirements. I'm ethnic Virginian with roots in the Appalachians, so I ought to like the south.

Something weird--on a business trip to Biloxi a few years back, I learned that a lot of folks are still bitter about the civil war. It was funny / strange, because up north we don't even remember the civil war, except as something you read about in history class.

Postby Smurfysmurf » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:37 am
I learned that a lot of folks are still bitter about the civil war. It was funny / strange, because up north we don't even remember the civil war, except as something you read about in history class.
Yes, I noticed that, too...When we first came over here about 14 years ago for a visit, one of my cousins made a point in telling us that "We don't like Sherman at all....he is a bad word for us"..when I inquired why that was so...the answer was simple "he burned and ruined the South"...I wanted to be rude and say Get over it already, that was 150 years ago..but I wasn't rude back then :) :) :)

Another thing I noticed is that the Southeners just don't like the Yankees...When I went up North a few weeks ago and told my friends about it, the question came up "Why?...it's full of Yankees up there..." :) :) :) Ya think???

I could see myself living in the area I visited in October as it was beautiful up there and the people weren't that bad either (except for the ones with fins).... but I also like living where I am living and think it's a beautiful area (it helps that I was able to fulfill my lifelong dream of owning a bit of property :-D )
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby eggie smurf » Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:29 am
Something weird--on a business trip to Biloxi a few years back, I learned that a lot of folks are still bitter about the civil war. It was funny / strange, because up north we don't even remember the civil war, except as something you read about in history class.
I wasn't even interested in that in history class either :) :)
"We don't like Sherman at all....he is a bad word for us"..
Who's Sherman? :-? (Note: see above - not interested in history :) )
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:42 am
William Tecumseh Sherman was a hero for the North and a villain for the South
Sherman served under General Ulysses S. Grant in 1862 and 1863 during the campaigns that led to the fall of the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg on the Mississippi River and culminated with the routing of the Confederate armies in the state of Tennessee. In 1864, Sherman succeeded Grant as the Union commander in the western theater of the war. He proceeded to lead his troops to the capture of the city of Atlanta, a military success that contributed decisively to the re-election of President Abraham Lincoln. Sherman's subsequent march through Georgia and the Carolinas further undermined the Confederacy's ability to continue fighting. He accepted the surrender of all the Confederate armies in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida in April 1865.
As you can see I like history :) :) :)

Ever watched "Gone with the Wind"?......he was responsible for the burning of Atlanta :D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

If you are having problems registering on Blue Cavern, please click the "e-mail" link on my profile and send me an e-mail with your preferred username and e-mail. Thank you :D
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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby eggie smurf » Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:48 am
Ever watched "Gone with the Wind"?......he was responsible for the burning of Atlanta :D
Oh yes, I liked GWTW...so Sherman is a good guy then....cool :D
:dory: Staci :dory:
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