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Postby Zackmak » Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:25 pm
For sale is a set of the plastic cups McDonald's was giving away throughout the 1980's, promoting the largest amusement park in Canada (and still is) - Canada's Wonderland - and their Hanna-Barbera properties that were licenced to the park. The Smurfs were their most popular and frequently-used HB property on these cups, and had the most cups produced with just them on it (10 in total between 1984-1989). The other properties like Scooby Doo, Yogi, Flinstones, etc. were featured much less, and thus, had fewer cups with just them on the cups.

Even though it was a Canadian promotion advertising Canada's largest amusement park, and distributed within a national restaurant, these cups were only available in the McDonalds that were situated closest to the location of the amusement park (in Ontario). Thus, only select regions within the province of Ontario had them.

A few years ago, I was able to acquire a full 10-piece smurf set, along with a bunch of doubles. Through those doubles, I was able to create a 9-piece smurf set (missing just one).

The cups are in various conditions, ranging from perfect to poor, and a photo of the 9-piece smurf set is shown below with the cost being $50 U.S. (without shipping).

I can also sell the bunch of remainder cups that are singles of various years across all the Hanna Barbera properties, not just the smurfs. Please PM me if interested.
Smurfs 80's cups COMPRESSED.JPG
Smurfs 80's cups COMPRESSED.JPG (36.83 KiB) Viewed 5272 times
Postby Zackmak » Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:37 am
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