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elephant nose fakes

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:26 am
by attombomb7

I thought these would be of interest!..

most fakes seem to have a flaw in the nose..are..especially soft mold ones.. and it's because when they make them the nose is the main area that the mold is used for what is called the lost wax process...

here are two great examples!!


it could help in cases when you are buying smurfs and are not sure..if it's a real one.... then if the nose area looks messy ..its a sure sign they sealed it badly and are fakes..

Attom :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:34 am
by Guest
They are great pics Attom! Thanks for posting these, I was following the discussion on Pete's board and found it interesting.

elephant nose

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:25 pm
by attombomb7
THanks Karen!

it's interesting cause I never knew about this for a long time..but noticed so many fakes with a dent or a x on their noses...

now I know why! hehehehe! once I got these !!..

the owner of the Yellow smurf emailed me and I explained all this to him..
he wanted to make sure it wasn't a rare real smurf..yet its really a rare fake! so either way he wins!!!

Attom :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:53 pm
by Syd Smurf
Hi Attom

I won some raws the other night and one of them had one of these noses (Papa) so now I know it was a fake along with the others probably.

Thanks for letting us know Attom and I will post him here when he arrives.


PS - Hey Attom, congrats on winnng the 2 blue raws in the same lot of auctions as my Papa...I was cheering for you from the grandstand.

elephant nose fakes

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:15 pm
by attombomb7

hey thanks Andrew! I had no idea.! I just bid on them before I went to bed Saturday night..and was stunned I won them! hehehe

I didn't even notice the others..I had only bookmarked the 2 blue ones..

who I think are fakes as well!..

what does the papa look like? is he all red??

Attom :D

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:45 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Attom

Here are 3 pics of the raws I won the other night. All up there were 10 which included:


Papa Captain, Soccer, Papa Smurf, Motorcross, Doctor, Gift, Boxer, Bride, Chef, & Sledgehammer.

I thought the original Papa had a hole in the nose like your ones but after seeing it again it just has an ugly scar. I am not sure whether they are fakes or authentic versions so if you have any thoughts please let me know. The raw red Papa is on my priority shopping list and I will hopefully add that very soon.



PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 6:50 am
by Rachel
Hi Attom, Thanks for the pics and info. I had never really looked into it before so facinating stuff. Thank You. :grin: