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help wanted

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:35 am
by Mark
Hi everyone.

I am trying to get my collection started again, but I'm looking at some problems right now. Maybe someone can help...

1. What is the best way to keep track of my collection. I wanna do right, because I only want to do this once.

2. I currently have a website: but it is way to complicated to maintane this. What kind of webbuilder do you guys use and do you find this easy to work with?

Thanks for all your help in advance,



PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:56 am
by eggie smurf
Hi Mark,
I keep my collection info simple in a spreadsheet format (I use Microsoft Excel). I have it organized by smurf number, name of smurf, description (including color or marking variations), year, purchase price and date and quantity of each smurf. This way I always know how many smurfs I have total by looking at the end. You can also search for a smurf by name or number this way and not get too bogged down with a website. I know a few people here do use Yahoo but I personally don't have a website and do not want to know how to maintain one. :)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:08 am
by Smurfysmurf
Not sure if there is an easy way to maintain a website.

I use the yahoo sitebuilder and it's easy to use but still time consuming to maintain as you have to take the pictures, edit them, put them in the sitebuilder and upload it.

If you are looking for a way to only track the smurfs, I think the spreadsheet solution from Stace is the best way to go.

However, it could be hard to take it with you when you go shopping for smurfs at fleamarkets, which is when the website comes in handy as you can pull it up (if you have a Iphone)

Not sure what to tell you, to be does come down to personal preference and time :-?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:47 am
by André
Not sure if there is an easy way to maintain a website.

I use the yahoo sitebuilder and it's easy to use but still time consuming to maintain as you have to take the pictures, edit them, put them in the sitebuilder and upload it.

If you are looking for a way to only track the smurfs, I think the spreadsheet solution from Stace is the best way to go.

However, it could be hard to take it with you when you go shopping for smurfs at fleamarkets, which is when the website comes in handy as you can pull it up (if you have a Iphone)

Not sure what to tell you, to be does come down to personal preference and time :-?

you can use a excel spreadsheet in your iPhone also. I use office2 in my iPhone to make my daily workreports and send them to the customers, workmates etc. If you use the app dropbox it is very easy to have the same excelsheet in your iphone and in your computer at the same time. When you change anything in the sheet on your iphone the same changes are made in the sheet in your computer so both excelfiles are exactly the same all the time. :-D So excellent for smurf spreadsheets.

Probably one of the best ways??? :-? Will be even better if you use a iPad I assume. Especially if you have large fingers and don´t like spell everything wrong all the time on the very small keyboard on the iPhone. :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:29 pm
by Gerda
I use several methods. i have a big binder where I have all my pvc's written in with the exact way the marking is on the smurf. when I take pictures I use a b c cards so I know which smurf the picture is of but when I then crop it down for the website I crop out the card so it can't be seen. I have started to convert everything from the binder onto a spread sheet but got side tracked and that is on hold right now.
whatever method you choose I think organizing them somehow is really helpfull.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:44 pm
by bwalters
I also use a spread sheet. I used to keep a running total of all my Smurfs and Smurf items but I somehow took the formual out and haven't tried to put it back. I works good for me, however I failed to put in there where I got them and how much I paid for them Just what they are worth now. I also keep all my pic's on FaceBook.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:49 pm
by eggie smurf
I can have the spreadsheet or a PDF of it on my blackberry too, Moey :D Takes much longer to search through though since it's a huge file :banghead: