Another question about the DSK.....
the writer listed prices next to the smurfs ( and I understand this is for new smurfs), Are those prices, he listed, only for the German market??
I have noticed that most are sold much cheaper on ebay (and yes, I know those are mostly used smurfs and it's a buyer's market)... however, there are quite a few that are sold for much much more than is listed in the DSK... i.e. the piano smurf has been sold for a lot of money lately,...... and I don't even mention the one time it was sold for $100, but it also was sold for $60.00 or $40.00 a few times. I do believe the buyer was always the same in those cases though, so I am not sure what's up with that....
and there are others, too, like the smurf in the bathtub, I have seen this one being sold for over $20.00 (I think)
Then of course the baseball pitcher is listed for EUR 100, when it usually is sold on ebay for around $30.00...