Home of the Smurf Community

Slightly more serious topics for smurf collectors including promo smurfs, smurfy discoveries, unlicensed smurfs, playsets, smurfy items etc
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Postby Papa Smurf » Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:11 pm
Please tell each of your storys about when you started collecting smurfs:

How long ago did you start?
How many smurfs do you have?
How much do you think you have spent on smurfs?
What is your most expensive smurf?
How did you get it?
How many smurfs do you buy a week?
How do you make enough money to buy these smurfs?
What do you parnters or friends think of your crazy hobby?
Are you addicted?

Please be as descriptive as possible - It make very very good reading!
Postby attombomb7 » Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:06 pm
ok I will do this quiz! :lol:

point form or I will be writing a book!! hehehe :o

1) 1 yr ago , I sort of bought a smurf for a friend as a gift and got hooked..

2) oh my god! maybe a few thousand smurfs...and other smurf items

they are all over my house..on my coffee table, shelves..in the kitchen..where ever a cute or ugly smurf should be its there..

3)???? maybe $ 12,000. plus

4) farmer with buckets about $200.
and also a fix & foxi, all the surprise smurfs, red apple smurf. rare fakes

I have paid $$ alot for a lot to get one fake or one rare smurf...I usually buy lots to get one...and then throw the rest in a box..for resale someday
or display them.

5) not a regular thing but I buy at lease 5 or more
I always have a package in the mail...I love getting them.

6) I sell stuff to pay for them.

7) I'm nuts or I'm a genius ahead of my time :lol:

8) realistically no but according to friends yes because its a unusual hobby for a grown up..

I like getting into things I am very spontaneous..in life too! I never or rarely plan anything..so collecting is like that too.

I think of the smurfs as artistic sculptures with personalty...

attom :D
Postby Smurfboy » Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:56 pm
1. How long ago did you start?
About 2 years ago, on a whim of thinking of my childhood I put smurfs in the search engine and found Pete's site and discovered they were still being made and that they could be bought there and lots of other places on the net, uh should I say I am a collectaholic?
2. How many smurfs do you have?
I am afraid to count them, they keep multiplying anyhow, so I doubt I would ever be able too, plus if Jacob ever knew exaclty.... wll it wouldn't be pretty! :lol:
3. How much do you think you have spent on smurfs?
Ummmmmmmm, I can't really say. I know Jacob is always saying I have a Mercedes I can't drive!
4. What is your most expensive smurf?
I really do not know, I have a few very good ones, Baseball Smurfette, the Tree swing Super smurf with rubberbands which I found out is quite rare.
5. How did you get it?
The Babseball Smurfette I got in a lot for 30.00 so she actually ended up costing me 1.44 - the treeswing supersmurf was a fluke, the seller didn't even know what it was, he cost me 12.00
6. How many smurfs do you buy a week?
Not enough!
7. How do you make enough money to buy these smurfs?
I beg Jacob!! LOL!!
8. What do you parnters or friends think of your crazy hobby?
Well let's say we really don't discuss it!
9. Are you addicted?
See answer to #1

Postby JT » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:05 pm
1) I collected smurfs when I was a kid. Then there was 15-18 years between. And I became active about three years ago. And about year ago I started to buy smurfs via web.

2) Just under 200. I´m hoping to achieve that milestone soon.

3) Approximately 150-200 euros.

4) Highest purchasing price was on #40209 Butterfly catcher. I don´t know what is my most valuable smurf though :-?

5) From internet auction.

6) 0-10 smurfs/week. For example this week I´ve bought 9 smurfs and one playset and one building :-D

7) Well I guess I don´t have enough money to purchase any expensive ones :( But I try to work hard and sell my other property in internet auctions :D

8) My wife refused to comment such a silly hobby :smile: My two sons are very supportive. My friends silently accept my dark secret...

9) Now that you asked...I think I am :?
Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:46 am
Please tell each of your storys about when you started collecting smurfs:

How long ago did you start?
I used to have smurfs when I was 5 & 6 from BP Petrol Stations in Sydney. I then started collecting again on the 22nd October 2003 when I noticed you could buy them on Ebay.
How many smurfs do you have?
I am reaching 1,000 (individual smurfs) but I am not sure because there are always new deliveries and I forget to add them each time. There are also lots of buildings, playsets and other smurfy stuff.
How much do you think you have spent on smurfs?
I should know this as Mrs Dyar tells me all of the time when she's pissed at me. I was spending $325 a week there for a while but I have cut back a little since then. No idea but easily over $10,000
What is your most expensive smurf?
My most expensive items would be probably the Surprise Cones, Christmas Wreath & Smurfette Baseball at this stage.
How did you get it?
Ebay and through friends I have made by those sellers on off-Ebay deals.
How many smurfs do you buy a week?
Depends on a lot of things but I have had consistently between 150-250 smurfs in the mail at any given time for the last 6 weeks or so and they are all coming via airmail.
How do you make enough money to buy these smurfs?
I roll people for their wallets late at night on suburban trains.
What do you parnters or friends think of your crazy hobby?
I will get an answer from Mrs Dyar on this question very soon.....it should be fun.....for you guys I meant :o
Are you addicted?
without a doubt but I have no answer as to why.....I think collecting smurfs is funny, ridiculous even but I am having too much fun to question it too much. Plus you guys are amazing to share the experience with so that becomes part of the package and part of the fun.
Please be as descriptive as possible - It make very very good reading!
I prefer to be more descriptive in the adults only section, I hope that's alright.

Mr Dyar

Postby Rachel » Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:24 am
Hi Papa, great quizz. I hope you are going to answer as well though. :D

How long ago did you start?
First started collecting smurfs late 70's then rediscovered them about 4 years ago on Ebay.

How many smurfs do you have?
Not enough! :-D Approx 1500 - 1600

How much do you think you have spent on smurfs?
Really have NO idea! :o

What is your most expensive smurf?
Either the Fix Foxi Smurf or the Tree Stump Playset.

How did you get it?
A very nice UK smurfer / friend sold him to me and let me pay in installments. :grin:

How do you make enough money to buy these smurfs?
When I was seriously collecting (Dyar and Papa Smurf mode ;) ) I was buying and selling a LOT on Ebay. At the time though there was nowhere near as many smurfs being sold in the UK and smurfs were being sold at much HIGHER values so the collecting almost paid for itself. These days because the smurfs I am collecting tend to be the more expensive ones and I don't sell on Ebay I can't afford to spend quite as much as I would like. :P

What do you partners or friends think of your crazy hobby?
Although hubby pretends he is not interested secretly he is into smurfs to some degree. He knows everybody and everything on the boards and he even took his own smurf to Italy on our recent trip, his favourite smurf is the monk smurf................I think the saying goes "if you can't beat them, join them" :D :D
Family & friends think I am nuts, kids in school think it's cool.

Are you addicted?
I would hope so because if I am not, I really have been behaving very oddly for the last few years! :o
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Smurfboy » Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:38 am
Are you addicted?
I would hope so because if I am not, I really have been behaving very oddly for the last few years! :o
LOL!!!!!!! TOO TOO Funny Rachel!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Postby Saffie » Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:11 am
Please tell each of your storys about when you started collecting smurfs:

How long ago did you start?
I've started in 1980.Smurfs were sold at BP service stations. Became active again 3 years ago. We have a little German shop close to home. One day i walked past and saw smurfs in the window. The rest is history.

How many smurfs do you have?
About 600. They are dispayed in wooden cabinets with glass doors in our living room.

How much do you think you have spent on smurfs?
:? a lot!!! I would say about R25 000-00

What is your most expensive smurf?
Maybe Springbok rugby. Not sure

How did you get it?
Bought it at BP garage in 1981/2 for R2-00 !!!

How many smurfs do you buy a week?
Maybe 1 every 2nd month. Ebay doesnt cater for south african buyers, so i'm little restricted when it comes to sources..... :smile: :(

How do you make enough money to buy these smurfs?
Have a splendid bank manager :grin:

What do you parnters or friends think of your crazy hobby?
My wife thinks i'm a bit strange..But i know she adores them all!!!

Are you addicted?
You bet!!!!!!!!!

Please be as descriptive as possible - It make very very good reading!
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