I think about getting my first Pixi smurf. But before doing so, I have got a question:
These are photos from Moey's link above:
On the right it's a small smurf from the 1998 village series, the left one is from the 1996 non-village series.
Which size are the Pixi smurfs from the newer series (2010 and the 12 newest figures)? I think they are a bit bigger, I read approx. 4 cm. Is that right?
Maybe someone can even post a photo for comparison (like the one with the carpenter) with the newer Pixis?
By the way: When searching for information about the different Pixi series I found these two sets:
Le Schtroumpfissime
Le Schtroumpf Noir
I don't know whether these sets are already known here.