No I didn't yet have the classics set... I just wrote a list while going through my catalogue of the ones I need from K Mart (that I didn't get tonight). So I am all prepared for next trip & will hopefully be able to get all the ones I need from there!Did you have the classics set already? Goodluck on those. Did they have many boxes in the store that you checked? Here in Adelaide had quite a few.. as many as 6 in one store. I think those 2 that I am still after are probably long gone now from David Jones stores. These were probably only in DJ first ever batch of smurfs. Brad.
Sorry my phones brokenCould someone pllleeeeeeeaaseeee call whoever is in charge of releasing smurfs in Canada and tell them to hurry the hell up.
No, I don't think I know their name.Hi BradPinkbandicoot over at MushroomVillage has reported smurfs in Kmart in Western Australia!
Do you know the first name of Pinkbandicoot?.....I was just wondering if we have come across her in the past on Ebay or somewhere else.
Thats great isn't it! Goodluck on the smurfs you need to buy. The Classics are actually quite good. I think I've said this before but from photos I had seen of these I didn't like them at all but when I saw them all and brought them I really liked them. They are much better than I had thought. And don't let shut checkouts stop you lol.. I just jumped over the closed gates to get to the smurfs.No I didn't yet have the classics set... I just wrote a list while going through my catalogue of the ones I need from K Mart (that I didn't get tonight). So I am all prepared for next trip & will hopefully be able to get all the ones I need from there!
It looked like they had a box of Smurfs on every register! I really wanted to go through them all but only one lane was open...next time though I might ask if I don't find them all in the one box. It is kind of annoying that you have to go through the box at the register, because people start lining up behind you. I felt like a bit of a traffic conductor and I am sure that they must have thought I was odd, having all these smurfs out on the counter
You never know about pop singer and ref, will keep my eyes peeled
ow karen you poor thing, that's horrible...... I'm pretty bad with laybuy. I usually end up picking it up the next dayIs layby an Australian thing? I don't think UK shops do that, do they? I am sure they would laugh at me if I asked them to do that.
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