How to care for Smurfs... or maybe not
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:32 pm
You may know we're new to Smurf collecting. You may also know that our first 'arrivals' came in a chocolate box. Well, pretty soon we started getting duplicates and 'swaps', and we put them in that self same chocolate box (Papa Bluebell calls it "The Melting Pot" heh heh!).
We clearly don't know much about handling the little blue chaps, because we only left them for a few moments, and look what happened
I know I shouldn't have left that ribbon & thread there!
It was Ruby Bluebell who discovered the breakout, and Papa B who happened to have his camera ready.
We clearly don't know much about handling the little blue chaps, because we only left them for a few moments, and look what happened
I know I shouldn't have left that ribbon & thread there!
It was Ruby Bluebell who discovered the breakout, and Papa B who happened to have his camera ready.