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Where did all the Smurf windows, flower boxes, and keys go?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:58 am
by Guest
After reading about Attom's missing windows I was wondering about this.

With the older smurf houses the keys, flower boxes and windows are so often missing and with the cottages the butterflies are often missing.

This is one of life's great mysteries I think, like where do all the odd socks go? I really cannot understand where socks go, it is not like they can walk on their own out of the house. I have looked under beds, behind cupboards and even in the garden. But they just seem to vanish into thin air!! :o

Surely parents in the 1970's wouldn't just have thrown these keys, windows and flower boxes away? Where do all these things go to? :-(

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:12 am
by XoioX2000
The mystery of the ever growing number of orphan socks is a serious one!
It keeps happening and nobody knows how to stop it!!! A terrible thing! :(

Talking about loosing items from smurfy things... I need to confess about something terrible...

One day, not so long ago, I received a Kinder Smurf from 1983. It was a beautiful figure. There was a little brown piece of plastic with it... I did not know what it was, and just thought it was a piece of odd plastic and put it... in the bin... yes in the bin... only to find out weeks later that it was a stilt for the olympiade smurf of the same series... :( :( :( :-( :sad:

I am yet to forgive myself: I have tried to punish myself by not buying any more smurfs... but that didn't last long... :smile:

I have also tried abstinence in other areas... but that didn't work for very long either...

O Smurf Lord... what shall I do?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:14 am
by Guest
Oh dear I think you had better go and confess all to Father Attom and ask for forgiveness, this is indeed a terrible terrible (real emphasis on this word) sin. :o

By the way, I never understood why this is a sad face :sad: as it looks more like that man out of Dad's Army, Windsor Davies is it?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:21 am
by Syd Smurf
Well I think Syd is responsible for the mystery of the missing socks....he has to keep some reputations up. As for David throwing away the Stilt...that I cannot answer. I guess it will be remembered as the Sin Bin Scandal.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:36 am
by Guest
Well I think Syd is responsible for the mystery of the missing socks....he has to keep some reputations up.
:D :D :D

missing parts

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:03 pm
by attombomb7
hey! if we could only find the mother load of missing parts!! we could start a huge smurf exchange!! hehehe

rotate keys and butterflies...

somewhere in a garbage dump are all those pvc parts!! HMMMMM


PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:42 am
by Rachel
Toy boxes all over the globe have tiny little smurf accessories stuck in the bottom amongst the lego and mechano.

Gardens all over the globe have smelly socks hidden in them, thats our excuse (but we do have 2 naughty dogs who LOVE socks).

Rubbish tips all over Milton Keynes have very expensive kinder smurf accessories dumped in them - sorry David.........

There we go, at least some of life's great mysteries solved in a morning! :-D :grin: :-D :grin:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:20 am
by XoioX2000
:-D :-D :-D

(weird these new icons! First time I use them!!)



PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:51 am
by Syd Smurf
Speaking of missing parts...I just bought another large red or orange house last night and it was without the green arch part and flower box...maybe a shutter or 2 as well.

don't know why I do it to myself. I want to make one look like it has been burned so my Fireman smurfs can have something to make them look useful. Maybe I will burn this one out...who knows.

Now I need more shutters, 2 green arches & a few windows and more buying incomplete houses for me though...this is it.



PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:58 am
by XoioX2000

You have to look at it that way: You are providing shelter for your Smurfs! (I was gonna say you are keeping them warm, but somebody might remember that add of the young lad going to work and saying to his partner: You are not fat, you are keeping our baby warm!)

Hey last week I bought a cocuple of McDo smurfs, only coz the guy threaten in his auction, that if they didn't sell, they'd go to the tip! (Dough!)
Could't let that happen... so I got them... :eek:

I've to fix my damned laptop: I Can't see any of the animations (icons) (It's not the IE settings, it's because of my firewall). It took me ages to see Rachel's supern animation of that big cat! :banghead:



Re: Where did all the Smurf windows, flower boxes, and keys

PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:14 am
by attombomb7
After reading about Attom's missing windows I was wondering about this.


HI! well I found out from the seller it is missing the two yellow windows on my green smurf house! and he offered to throw in some free smurfs..or I could cancel the sale..

I dedecided to keep the green house..since the roof and yellow awning are alos hard to find..and the green key..

no I am on a hunt for two yellow windows in the sewers???

if you ever see them??? get them for me please???? I know the odds are HUGE!!! hehehehe

or I need to buy another green house again!! nope!!!:lol:

I do have two brown and green ones I can use for now...Or paint them yellow>??for display!

Attom :lol: :lol: :key2: :jump: :bath: