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Postby Bunno Smurf » Tue May 16, 2006 12:20 am
Ok I just feel like having a little rant. :angry: :angry:
Do you ever get that feeling that ebay hates you?? or maybe its just life in general! Every single time I have decided to sell some smurfs (which is not all that often) as soon as I have listed them Ebay decides to do a promotion and reduce fees. It's Murphy's law! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

So I guess the good news is if anyone wants to list some smurfs on Ebay Australia in the next week it'd be a good idea as they are offering free gallery which usually costs you 59c per listing extra! Starts Thurs and ends Saturday.

Hopefully some smurfs I bought a week or so ago and are doubles will rock up this week and I can get to use the cut price...though of course just my luck they will rock up Sunday!!
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue May 16, 2006 4:08 am
Thanks for the news Linda.....I think ebay doesn't mind me but certain sellers really hate me at the moment. I have another jerk that has filed an unpaid complaint against me.......the problem was that I didn't pay the extra $2.50 to have it insured which is apparently compulsory. He already charged me $6 to post the set of cards which was excessive in any language but he has the hide to want more and even complained to ebay saying I didn't pay him at all until I proved it...now he states that I must pay the $2.50 for insurance cos he won't be out of pocket....huh?.....so don't insure it would be the obvious answer but this seller probably can't make even more profit off the postage if I don't send him an extra $2.50. He replied that he can charge what he likes on postage with a profit or no profit if he likes....I basically told him to :dancing: off

So don't worry about missing out on the free gallery too much Linda...just add a $5 profit bonus for you on the postage....it's rather fashionable these days....and don't forget to abuse the hell out of any bidders that dare to kindly question the excessive amount you're charging.

Ok....it must be Rantsday :crazyangry:


Postby Bunno Smurf » Tue May 16, 2006 6:40 am
hehehe I had a seller complain about the postage but that was only because he decided to go through checkout himself and ebay automatically added $5 postage for each smurf even though its stated in my auction that that'll cover up to 500g worth. He sent me an email saying ummm yeah $25 for the postage is a bit excessive aint it! LOL He said he was expecting more like $8 for 5 smurfs so I guess he was happy when I only charged him $5. In fact he ended up buying two more smurfs!

For some unknown reason though he decided to pay for the first six smurfs with paypal (which he bought BIN) an hour before the last smurf he was bidding on ended. :-? So I got charged double payment fees from paypal when he paid for the last smurf. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue May 16, 2006 6:53 am
That's odd with the payment coming in 2 lots. I always find it strange when a seller sends me an invoice after I have won some of their auctions even though I have a couple more bids and only 2 days to go on the auctions. Very rarely but it has happened that the seller has demanded a payment there and then. Luckily it has never happened where someone has helped from overseas to make the payment, that would mean you would have to annoy your understanding friend twice within a couple of days just because the seller can't wait until you have finished having a go.

Oooh it's 10:52pm.....Rantsday is almost over

Postby Rachel » Sun May 21, 2006 12:40 pm
HI Linda, always great to have a good rant! :soapbox:

I am sure Ebay doesn't hate you though, in fact I am sure Ebay loves us all, afterall, we have made them very rich over the years. :lol:

If it is any consilation, I try to avoid the cheap or free listing days as EVERYONE tends to list things and end prices sometimes tend to be lower as so much is being offered. :D

As for buyers paying in strange ways, this has always puzzled me......... :scratchinghead:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Bunno Smurf » Sun May 21, 2006 5:50 pm
I've put a few smurfs up for auction and as I got them pretty cheaply I also listed them pretty cheaply. I've sold about a quarter of them already BIN in 2 days so thats not too bad. It makes me wonder why international people pay $6 for a smurf and then $11 for the postage when they could get a few more smurfs and not have to pay any extra postage. :-? I know I usually buy a few from the same seller to spread the postage cost a bit.

Now my only problem is spending the money in my paypal account before Mr Bunno sees it and spends it on geocoins!

If anyone is interested there's a link from my webpage to my auctions (click tinybluetykes below). They're all pretty ordinary smurfs. The only one that might be of interest is the Green St Pats.
:star: LINDA :star:
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