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Postby lordsmurf » Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:35 pm
I'm a bit confused... :eek:

I remember researching paint last fall and summer (2005). I remember reading about DECOART paints. Today, I tried to search the bluecavern forum (just like last time!) and I was told there were no results.

So I searched google for "decoart paint smurfs" and it linked me to KITTYCAVERN! Of course, this is kitty's current forum (BLUECAVERN!). I guess the old one was left up for archive or testing?

Here's the post:
http://kittyscavern.com/forum/viewtopic ... 1350#11350

Now, I can manually search the BLUECAVERN forum and find the same post:

But for whatever reason, I cannot search for "decoart" and get any kind of result from the BLUECAVERN search.

I wonder what else is invisible to the forum search? :-?


Postby Guest » Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:11 pm
I think it was because we lost some of the old posts in the forum crash last year which were on the new (current) servers. An old copy of the forum was left with my old hosting linked to the smurf shop (some months before the great crash!) which is why it appeared on Google. I think you can read the old forum as a cached response but if you try to move around it it will redirect you over here. So the posts are technically lost for search purposes. We couldn't restore from the old forum when the new one went down because we would have lost even more months posts that way. It was all my fault for trying to repair the chatroom and I don't touch it now! The old forum had to be moved because it kept playing up because it was on Windows based servers, it is now on superfast Linux based servers and runs much better.

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:14 pm
Ok I just read your post properly and it seems you could find the old post, so I really don't know, I too am confused!!! :scratchinghead:

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:20 pm
In the criteria where you can state to search back 1 week, 1 month, etc., it only goes back to 1 year, I bet this means you can only search 1 year back.

Postby lordsmurf » Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:42 pm
Well, I left it on "ALL POSTS" which is default, and should go back to the first day the forum code was installed. That's standard to phpBB unless you changed something.
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