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A Smurf Cake and a half!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:27 pm
by Guest
This picture was kindly donated by cybernannie. Val had this cake made for her son's 37th birthday. He has got over 1600 different smurfs, now that is impressive!!!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:51 pm
smurf cake
PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:18 pm
by attombomb7
incredable!!!!!!!!!!! wow!~! what beautiful cake!
that looks so real ..and so well done...
and to think a mother would have that made for her 37 yr old son is so touching! at that age to still go thru all that for her son! if breathtakin!!!!!
and its so well made...!!
wow!! so sweet!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:28 pm
by eggie smurf
Very nice cake!! I can only dream of getting such a cake in 6 more years...oh, Jason.....

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:05 pm
by Syd Smurf
That cake is more than just amazing it's the most incredible thing Ihave ever seen. I had trouble with my mother cooking for me when I was 7 let alone her doing anything like that for me...if she did I am sure it would be a damn cat cake anyway. I showed Mrs Dyar and she just punched me in the arm so I am guessing that was a very firm no. For a cake it doesn't look very crumby at all.
PS - Cybernannie's his mum, he has over 1600 different smurfs and she makes masterpieces like that cake.....where do I send the adoption papers Karen?
PPS - Okay it's a valid no but it was a valiant attempt at adoption and I could really see the value in becoming part of Val's family.
PPSS - I bet she makes great Valentine smurf cakes too.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:56 am
by XoioX2000
This is the kewlest cake ever... problem is you wouldn't want to eat it would you... Imagine having to cut through a Smurf house!
And then the kids going: "I want the door", "I wan' the Window", "Hey! Syd took my bridge! Give it back!", "Yeah but it took the big red mushroom!" and then a sweet little voice going: "I want the rollerskating smurfette..."
Complete Chaos...
For the safety of Cybernannie and her kids, I therefore suggest that I take the cake in my lair and protect it in there forever. I know it's a big scarifice, but in the name of art and the Smurfiness of the world, I'm happy to do just that. But don't thank me... it's fine, really.
Dragon "Keeper" of the Dangerous Cake
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:39 am
by steveparkes
*walks into the thread*...Did someone mention cake?
Oooh, I love a bit of cake...Yumm...*quickly scoffs the lot*...Mmm..I
Acually..I make cakes too (did City & Guilds in cake decoration at college)..might have to give a smurfy cake a go now..that is an excellent picture.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:09 pm
by Rachel

That cake is brilliant, I want, I want! I had a dougal birthday cake made for me this year (because I am soooo grown up!) but I think next year I will be asking my cake maker (sister's mother-in-law) for one of these. In fact I am going to *borrow* that pic and see what she says.
Noooooooo, I have just remembered how long I have to wait until my next birthday, do you think I will get away with asking for one for Halloween / Guy Fawkes / Christmas / New Year etc. etc.
Actually..I make cakes too (did City & Guilds in cake decoration at college)..might have to give a smurfy cake a go now
and your address again Stephen?
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:07 pm
by JT
Now that´s a one Smurf of a cake!! Is it really real??

Now I won´t accept any other cake for my birthday !!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:13 pm
by Little lucie @ Simon
Oh wow what a fantastic cake. If i had one i'd lick it all then tell everybody i'd licked it so no one would want to eat it. Simon is a horror for cakes , especially chocolate ones. Lucie

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:21 pm
by Guest
Andrew was asking the other day what happened to this picture. It had somehow become removed from the thread at some point. Well I found it on my hard drive and have put it back. As mentioned in Announcements, Val (cybernannie) sadly passed away in November.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:18 pm
by Rachel
Thanks Karen for finding and reposting the pic of this wonderful cake.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:32 pm
by Syd Smurf
Thanks Karen...that's the most amazing cake I have ever seen and it was great to see it again asI couldn't remember what it looked like besides the fact that it was simply amazing.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:07 am
by Guest
That cake is awesome ! Its definately to good to eat !
A credit to Val !

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:44 am
by Nuts about smurfing


PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:22 am
by Tojo
I can hardly believe that that's a cake

It's just so incredible - I could never eat something like that, it would have to go in my cupboard on display

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:20 pm
by SA Smurfette
Wow, beautiful cake
It definately would be a shame to eat it

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:01 pm
by Margaret
WoW What an amazing cake !!! I wish I got a cake like that for my birthday !! For my birthday my husband got me a cake that said happy 32 birthday it was nice but I turned 31 lol