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Happy Valentine's Day!
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:42 pm
by Raven Child
Here is a link to one of the pictures I did a few months back with an added boarder to fit this romantic occation. It is a picture based on my latest fanfic "How Things Smurf" with an older Brainy Smurf and his girlfriend Brainette...enjoy!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Raven Child.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:51 pm
by Brainy's Babe
Brainette looks cute with her her hair down
I'd love to make custom figures of your smurfettes if that wouldn't offend you.
Great work as always
Although I have it on good orthority (ie I made it up) that Brainy perfers blonds

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:53 pm
by Rachel
Fabulous pic Raven Child, such a sweet couple.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:13 pm
by SA Smurfette
Lovely picture Raven child

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:17 pm
by Raven Child
Brainette looks cute with her her hair down
I'd love to make custom figures of your smurfettes if that wouldn't offend you.
Great work as always
Although I have it on good orthority (ie I made it up) that Brainy perfers blonds

I would be honored to get to see my smurfettes as custom figures

Which one do you think would be the most popular?
As for Brainy going for 'blonds'...well, I would assume that Brainy once thought he'd prefer blonds, that is untill he met Brainette
Take Care!
Raven Child.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:18 pm
by Raven Child
Thanks Rachel and SA Smurfette glad you liked it!
Take Care,
Raven Child.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:36 pm
by Syd Smurf
Sweet picture Raven seems Brainy is becoming the most popular male smurf in the village lately......some brains have all the fun I guess.
Thanks for sharing your pic with us for Valentine's Day
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:24 pm
by Raven Child
Sweet picture Raven seems Brainy is becoming the most popular male smurf in the village lately......some brains have all the fun I guess.
Thanks for sharing your pic with us for Valentine's Day
Well, Syd Smurf...I tend to focus most of my attention to the relationship between Hefty and my smurfette character Toughette, but this time I figured I give Brainy and Brainette the chance to be in the spotlight
In fact, in the second story "Return to the Smurfette Village" most of the smurfs find their 'partner'. Here's the link to more pics on my website: ... Page1.html
Raven Child.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:42 pm
by Syd Smurf
I tend to focus most of my attention to the relationship between Hefty and my smurfette character Toughette
I read that as your Smurfette character Tonguette...I thought yay, Syd has a partner too.
I loved the Grouchy & Tattelrette......I would hate to live next to them cos I would HATE that too.
Clumsy & Kluzette....that could be funny to watch though.
My favourite couple would have to be Craftette & Painter....they seem to be working together and look like they are very happy with each other and peaceful.
Great drawings Raven Child...they were fun to see
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:51 pm
by Raven Child
Thanks Syd Smurf...Glad you enjoyed them
I'll be sure to let you all know when I update my site with more pics and chapters to my stories...
Take Care,
Raven Child.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:54 pm
by DrunkSmurf
Hi I like your drawings. You have a practiced flow to your lines that makes the characters look alive, while at the same time advertising your style.
However, now let me pick a nit with the Brainy lovers out there.
1) I once worked at a science lab (I wasn't one of the scientists). The physicists had a reputation for being not only causticly arrogant, but frequently emotionally unstable and unable to manage themselves. The sort that mutter in the corner, convinced that the government was plotting to take over their brains through FM radio broadcasts of holiday music.
2) I'm no Brainy, but I have a graduate degree in engineering. I also was booted out of a graduate program in creative writing because I found myself utterly unable to navigate the social mechanism employed by the "guardians" to prevent non-like minds from prospering in pretentious clubs run by non-brainies (who think they are brainies).
3) Brainies regard Valentine's Day as a commercial contrivance promoted by Hallmark and the chocolate industry. If they comprehend in the slightest why women value such rubbish, their response tends to be disgust at the irrational syntactic associations these impressionable creatures inherit from their environment. Perhaps, sufficient screaming will convince Brainy of the importance of these farcical, sentimental affairs, but don't count on it.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:39 pm
by DrunkSmurf
Papa Smurf may be the archetype for the tender-hearted, well-cultured intellectual that the Lady Smurfs seek. Granted, he also can be a bit condescending and smug (however affectionately so).
Actually, I think Handy Smurf may be the "educated gentleman" we're mistaking Brainy for. Granted, Handy is a bit of a gizmo geek (and likely not much interested in art or literature), but he's also a never-say-die optimist and strikes me as the sort who would take pleasure in keeping his other happy with the touchy little things we associate with Valentine's Day.
Dreamy, another candidate, is probably as romantic with his women as he is with his atmospheric ambitions. Granted, I think Peyo did a comic in which Dreamy returns, twenty years later, as a venture capitalist who puts half the village to work in his silver mines.
But Brainy? That insecure, backstabbing little whelp? Whose book learning is the flimsy veneer that masks his social ineptitude? Brainy, who can't endure criticism and if he had any power would likely transform into an absolute totalitarian, surviving only by the brute intimidation of his well-paid bodyguard, his paid informants, and his orchestrated personality cult? Brainy Smurf is the president of North Korea. I hear he keeps a harem.
Happy Valentine's Day.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:38 pm
by Raven Child
Hey Drunk Smurf...I take it you are not much of a Brainy fan...when I was a kid neither was I. But now Brainy ammuses me. In my fic I show how he evolves over the years and actually makes a better smurf of himself.
When Brainy first meets Brainette the two of them would try to 'out smart' each other. At first there was no real 'romance' between them. (It is discribed in chapter 16 'Battle of the Brains' in the sequal "Return to the Smurfette Village". In fact, their relationship only truely develops when they are 317 years old (that takes place in chapter 9 'To Take Back, part 1' in "How Things Smurf" - where this picture is based on...).
I liked how you discribed the characteristics of how 'romantic' some of the smurfs would be to their mate. Suppose if Hefty and Toughette were to celebrate Valintine's they would do it in a competive sport activity, lol.
Take Care, and Stay Smurfy!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:37 pm
by DrunkSmurf
Hey Drunk Smurf...I take it you are not much of a Brainy fan...when I was a kid neither was I. But now Brainy ammuses me. In my fic I show how he evolves over the years and actually makes a better smurf of himself.
Actually, I sympathize with Brainy. In this, and another writing group, I've observed a great deal of romantic embellishment of the intellectual male--Brainy, goateed, suave, debonaire, and ultra-sensitive.
Yet, I think the reality is that romance is a lot about pandering to our baser human instincts (insecurity, the need for reassurance, the need to architect elaborate fantasies about our position in the world) while folks like Brainy (and Papa Smurf) are driven by other values.
Seeing Brainy re-cast as a woman-centered Romeo somehow strikes me as "alternate reality". Maybe nightmarish is the word I'm looking for.
Go*da**it, you can't put us all in aprons and running to the flower shop!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:52 pm
by Syd Smurf
Go*da**it, you can't put us all in aprons and running to the flower shop!
Unless they start selling alcohol at Flower shops
......not a bad idea actually.....can you imagine...."sorry dear, yes I've been at the flower shop with my mates again but here's some lovely Pink Oriental Lillies to say I'm sorry".
OK...that's not a perfect world but it's better than....
"sorry dear, yes I've been at the pub with my mates again but here's a humungous loud & beer breathy burp to say I had a really good time there".
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for man being kind.
...although truth be told it would really be....
That's one crooked step for man, one giant leap face down.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:34 am
by Little lucie @ Simon

, Dyar you crack me up

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:28 am
by Brainy's Babe
Brainette looks cute with her her hair down
I'd love to make custom figures of your smurfettes if that wouldn't offend you.
Great work as always
Although I have it on good orthority (ie I made it up) that Brainy perfers blonds

I would be honored to get to see my smurfettes as custom figures

Which one do you think would be the most popular?
As for Brainy going for 'blonds'...well, I would assume that Brainy once thought he'd prefer blonds, that is untill he met Brainette
Take Care!
Raven Child.
Thanks! I wanted to make the smurfettes but thought I should ask you first. Looking forward to starting this project

I'll post pics when I've made them of course.
I like toughette's future look loads, but which ones I make will depend entirely on which spare smurfettes I have to cut up

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:33 am
by Brainy's Babe
Papa Smurf may be the archetype for the tender-hearted, well-cultured intellectual that the Lady Smurfs seek. Granted, he also can be a bit condescending and smug (however affectionately so).
Actually, I think Handy Smurf may be the "educated gentleman" we're mistaking Brainy for. Granted, Handy is a bit of a gizmo geek (and likely not much interested in art or literature), but he's also a never-say-die optimist and strikes me as the sort who would take pleasure in keeping his other happy with the touchy little things we associate with Valentine's Day.
Dreamy, another candidate, is probably as romantic with his women as he is with his atmospheric ambitions. Granted, I think Peyo did a comic in which Dreamy returns, twenty years later, as a venture capitalist who puts half the village to work in his silver mines.
But Brainy? That insecure, backstabbing little whelp? Whose book learning is the flimsy veneer that masks his social ineptitude? Brainy, who can't endure criticism and if he had any power would likely transform into an absolute totalitarian, surviving only by the brute intimidation of his well-paid bodyguard, his paid informants, and his orchestrated personality cult? Brainy Smurf is the president of North Korea. I hear he keeps a harem.
Happy Valentine's Day.
I agree with Tim on this

His descriptions are bang on
I could never imagin Brainy as the intellegent gentlemanly romantic

Luckily that's not what I'm looking for in a smurf...