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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:25 am
by Gerda
A while ago there was a discusion about people listing under diffrent curancy so that there auctions are shown in other parts of the world. Well today I see that ebay is listing under the shipping price where the item is being sent from. So even if the item is listed in British pounds under shipping it shows the true country the item is in. Smartest thing I have seen ebay do in a long time :D :D


PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:25 pm
by DrunkSmurf
I've seen a few Netherlanders listing in dollars.

Why? :-? :-? :-? :-?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:14 am
by Gerda
I think if they list in Dollars then American ebay will show there auctions on our site. Same if someone lists it in pounds or Euro, it will be shown in those countries. But now ebay is letting us know outright where the auction is originating from :-D :-D So people like me who rather bid first, read later :banghead: :banghead: wont get in trouble with shipping prices


PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:13 am
by Rachel
Hi guys, I think it is important that a bidder knows which country they are buying from and it does annoy me when sellers try and make out they are in a different country.

There are still a few sellers who are determined to be mistaken for another country though, here is a good example: ... dZViewItem

I have never heard of Saarland / Germany, United Kingdom! :o

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:39 pm
by Tessa-Dennis
Hi Drunk Smurf,

The reason why some 'Nederlanders, post in dollars is because when you post your item on instead of it is automatically listed in dollars and not euros, even when you are registered in Nederland. You can not post in Nederland and choose dollars so you have to post on
And anticipating your follow up question as to why post on instead of or wherever I can tell you that the main reason is that ebay has no standard for selling items. charges lower fees for placing and selling an item on compared to and especially compared to, where the costs are twice as high as

Another reason is that if you put it on it will show up on all ebay's in the world giving more exposure to your item and placing it on will not always show up on In the good old days all items listed on the worlds ebays showed up at but because quite a few American buyers objected to this mingle of currencies items were blocked when listed in non-dollars. So placing it on is cheaper and has far more exposure.

Hope this answers your question a bit.

With greetings,

P.S. The fact you can fill in Saarland, U.K. is in my opinion a flaw in ebays registration from and simply shows filling out the form doesn't mean it is checked by an ebay employee.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:38 pm
by attombomb7
and welcome!

that was really great information! I had no idea there are different charges,etc depending on the country..

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:10 am
by Guest
I'm glad you explained this, Dennis, because I've been thinking much the same as many others, that other countries only list on UK or Aussie ebay because they think we have more money than sense. :) :) :) Now I understand about the fees it makes more sense.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:36 am
by SA Smurfette
I saw an auction the other night for a Saxophone.

It was listed in GBP but the seller was registered in Germany and item was located in CHINA :eek:

It had postage listed as 1500 GBP What the ?


PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:14 am
by Tessa-Dennis
Hi Karen and Bomber :shock: :lol:

When ebay was still only it was all much clearer but now they are working with different countries and different laws and therefor probably fees. It is purely cost reduction when posting on these sites as I personally do not think that the majority of Smurf collectors can be found in these two countries but by posting it in English it has a far wider market of course.

Only one thing is very uniform at ebay, that is the poor customer support, both to buyers and sellers. Asking something feels like :banghead: And after a very standard answer they bombard you with questions how you found their answer, questions posed in such a manner you can only answer positively :???:

And more and more of these 'Chinese' sellers are popping up on ebay. If you get a chance type in DVD box and you will be happy you like collecting Smurfs as 90% of the sellers are Hong Kong Chinese but registered all over the place. I tend to stay away from all this confusing information. :?
