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Finally i got it SMURF JEEP

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:20 am
by melchior
Finally i got the SMURF JEEP :-D
1983 smurf jeep made in Italy by Burago.
It is in good conditon, the only thing it has missing is the spare wheel.
Overall is good :D
I remeber this Jeep in toy shops way back here in Malta, but now it is really hard to find one.
I got mine from ebay, won it at the last sec.





PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:30 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi melchior

That jeep looks too big is it? It looks a decent size. I am sure if I purcahsed one of these that I would be fighting Jack over it just like I did with the rocket.

Well done :D


PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:31 am
by aussiesmurfer
Looks Great!

Always gets the heart pounding when those final seconds tick by doesn't it!


PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:17 am
by attombomb7

I see those sometimes on EBAY and they are so hard to get!

you lucky !! smurf you! its so beautiful!

I'm sure you are super thrilled..

I have always loved this item..for its kool colors and quality!

thanks for posting this..:)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 12:29 pm
by Rachel
Nice Jeep Melchior and yours has the smurfs intact too. :-D

I have the blue jeep but sadly no smurfs.........

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:33 am
by SuperJen
Owwwwwwwww :( :( :( :( I used to have that :( :( It was from my first collection that mysteriously went missing (sold by mum with my Barbie's caravan. It had black wheels and the smurfs and the spare. I love it so so much.

I remember setting up my smurfs on the floor of my uncles flat in Italy and making roads out of my brothers tape covers and driving the jeep around :(
You lucky lucky thing you

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:49 am
by Syd Smurf
I remember setting up my smurfs on the floor of my uncles flat in Italy and making roads out of my brothers tape covers and driving the jeep around :(
I read that as:

I remember setting up my smurfs on the floor of my undies flat in Italy and making roads out of my brothers tape covers and driving the jeep around.

I was thinking...that's super...Jen :eek:

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:32 pm
by SuperJen
I read that as:

I remember setting up my smurfs on the floor of my undies flat in Italy and making roads out of my brothers tape covers and driving the jeep around.

I was thinking...that's super...Jen :eek:
What if I was in my undies :) I was a little kid..........

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:41 pm
by Syd Smurf
I guess it was where you were making the roads that concerned me SJ

I like your new (old) avatar too SJ....good idea not to advertise the get away vehicle too much. :D


PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:03 pm
by eggie smurf
I read that as:

I remember setting up my smurfs on the floor of my undies flat in Italy and making roads out of my brothers tape covers and driving the jeep around.

I was thinking...that's super...Jen :eek:
What if I was in my undies :) I was a little kid..........
At least you WORE undies as a little kid, not like Dyar --- oops :sprint:

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:21 pm
by Syd Smurf
At least you WORE undies as a little kid, not like Dyar --- oops :sprint:
HEY.....that's a bit below the belt isn't it? wasn't my fault my parents made me a nude dude.


PS - ....and no Stace.....I do not think that apples are relevant here. :shock:

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:05 pm
by SuperJen
I guess it was where you were making the roads that concerned me SJ

Yeah I always thought that jeep was a bit big :) :)

I like your new (old) avatar too SJ....good idea not to advertise the get away vehicle too much. :D

Thanks HPH, I was thinking the same thing about the get away vehicle, this way people think it's slow :shhh:

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:09 pm
by eggie smurf
HEY.....that's a bit below the belt isn't it? wasn't my fault my parents made me a nude dude.


PS - ....and no Stace.....I do not think that apples are relevant here. :shock:
Sorry you may :-x or :fart: me now :(

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:50 pm
by Syd Smurf
Well I can't punch a brings you 7 years bad luck.......and I can't very well :fart: on you cos...well that's not very gentlemanly of me....I can however send you sample of a new perfume that arrived this's called Essence of's a very distinct smelling perfume but one that will bring you a lot of attraction I think......from flies

Drew's Clues

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:13 pm
by SuperJen
So thats what that smell is :eek: I can smell it from here :eek: I thought it was Abby :fart: