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PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:21 pm
by Syd Smurf
I bidded on an item yesterday and last night I received an outbid notice on this I went to see who the villain was and it was noone from here BUT......there were now 3 bids and I did notice that I actually outbidded Attom when I placed my first bid. Apparently he was the first bidder and I bidded second about 7 seconds later so we must of been looking at the same item at the same time as there were no bids when I first looked at the auction.

SORRY ATTOM.....I didn't see you had bidded before I had because we bidded at the same time more or less....I suppose this was bound to happen sooner or later.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:39 pm
by attombomb7

????? not sure which item?? but don't worry

if I really want something I will bid again.. sometimes I let things go if I get out bid... ( it makes me rethink if I really need that item..or by then the next day a better item comes along!! I want...hehehe) I sometimes being out bid is a good thing for me..

be ready in case I outbid you too sometimes:)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:30 am
by XoioX2000
Father attom, I have smurfed...

It's the name of the game... isn't it. After all we are collector and if we want something bad enough, we will bid for it...

I know I have been bad on a few occasions... my greed for smurfs took the better of me... I will repent and issue public health warnings when I am about to sneeze.

Thank you for your understanding...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:49 pm
by attombomb7
Hey David

I know what you mean! I do the same thing then I repent witha smile once I know I won that auction!

EBAY is about bidding.. and I assume the item is meant to be mine if I win..if not I keep lookin and find another item ..its all so fun!

don't ever worry about outbidding me..that way I won;t feel so bad when I outbid you! hehehe

its all for collecting..:)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:47 pm
by Syd Smurf
I know what you mean Attom about being outbidded can sometimes be a's happens to me a lot....and then sometimes I get outbidded on the ones I really want and get left with the smurf that I bidded on just because it's cheap :banghead:

Still...if everything was guranteed then it wouldn't be as fun or as rewarding when you do win something special.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:07 pm
Biding biding biding. I try not to remember who im bidding against. Not that i can remember anyways, but i think i would feel really guilty if i new it was a fellow smurfer from here thats why i dont take note of peoples ebay user names. :( :( Sorry if i have ever out bid any of you guys, But i doubt i have as im only in the miner leges comperd to most of you. :( :(
Smurfy regards, Steve. :-D :D :-D