Anyone familiar with the Peyo Smurf comics?
I've only read a few, plus what were adapted to the cartoons.
What would you say are Peyo's classics of "smurf lore"?
Off the top of my head:
1. The Smurfette creation story
2. Astrosmurf
3. King Smurf
4. Clumsy gets bitten by a bug and turns into the "purple" smurf
I guess I'm basing "classics" off the number of toys spawned and the extent to which people recognize the smurf lore. For example, even if people haven't read Astrosmurf, they may know the Swoof and Astrosmurf are somehow connected. Same with King Smurf, Emperor Smurf, Spy Smurf, and Gold Smurf. Smurfette, of course, is ubiquitous.