Hi there
Just posting that I finished translating the Katalog and have printed out all of the pages featuring the descriptions etc. I have added a tick box to each individual listing so I can tick of the variations as I receive them. Unfortunately there are quite a few I have that are not listed in the katalog so I have added them in myself minus a price figure of course as I wouldn't be too sure of this yet. I have also put all of the promos with their respective original versions (if they had one) and have added tick boxes with the supers regarding which versions of the box I have.
So far I have already gone through all of my regulars and I have done the first 10 of my supers so the whole project will be totally done and smurfs recorded by the weekend......with any luck. I have been on about 4-5 hours a night sleep in the past 5 weeks to complete this and unfortunately was feeling a bit ill this week probably because of it. However I have already found this very useful when hunting down new variations on Ebay as I have my collection recorded in one folder for easy quick reference.
All the best