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Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:52 pm
Hi there

Just posting that I finished translating the Katalog and have printed out all of the pages featuring the descriptions etc. I have added a tick box to each individual listing so I can tick of the variations as I receive them. Unfortunately there are quite a few I have that are not listed in the katalog so I have added them in myself minus a price figure of course as I wouldn't be too sure of this yet. I have also put all of the promos with their respective original versions (if they had one) and have added tick boxes with the supers regarding which versions of the box I have.

So far I have already gone through all of my regulars and I have done the first 10 of my supers so the whole project will be totally done and smurfs recorded by the weekend......with any luck. I have been on about 4-5 hours a night sleep in the past 5 weeks to complete this and unfortunately was feeling a bit ill this week probably because of it. However I have already found this very useful when hunting down new variations on Ebay as I have my collection recorded in one folder for easy quick reference.

All the best


Postby Guest » Thu Jul 22, 2004 5:43 pm
Well Syd Smurf you have been busy.

I won an old farmhouse on ebay last week and am waiting for that to come, very exciting!

I ticked my smurfs off in the katalog recently, I thought I had better do it for insurance purposes, not that I have many rare ones. I do have a rare football smurf, a yellow scarf Chimney Sweep super smurf and a hiker with yellow flower in my childhood collection so I didn't do too badly! I'm very sad though because my daughter broke my shopping trolley smurfette last week and I haven't been able to get another one yet. :-( Naughty Kitty.


Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:30 pm
Hi Karen

Yes I have been busy but then again so have you with the listing of all of those markings. I am not sure which Football one you have but I don't have any of the earlier versions of the Farm (yet) or the Yellow Scarf Chimney Sweeper and I think they are pretty cool ones to own too.

Going through all the different versions it can be a little deflating because you think you are a super collector and then realise that you actually haven't got any of these promos or these variations or this one and that :( so many to collect arggghhhhhhhhhhhh! (Welsh for argh...Australian version is just ah of course).

However they say that it is all about the fun of collecting and I am having a blast.....and going through the Katalog I just learnt so much about what to look for with different variations.

Take care

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