Does anybody know of any clubs that used to exit or are currently active?
I know of "The Smurf Collector Club" which used to be the British Smurf Collector Club, until it was brought back to life by Alan and which currently is very active.
Obviously (since I already have a page on my website for them), I also know of the "Smurf Collector's Club International" which was based in the US and gave us the SCCI smurfs.
Another club I have heard of it is a Dutch club that is still active, mainly on fairs...can somebody remind me of the name and provide some information about it as well as a website if one is available?
Then there is the "The official Smurf Fun Club" of which I don't know anything, but I do have quite a few articles from them. I think they existed in the 80s.
Are there other clubs that used to exist...or currently exist? I would love to learn more of those as well