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Postby Bluebell » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:54 pm
This is a probably a beginners' question, but here goes....

Will someone explain the Schleich/Bully schism of the 70s/80s(?) ? The history is all there, interwoven into Andre's :D superb :D variations pages, but for newbies like us it would be great if a learned veteran would provide a potted summary (if there is one!)?
We'd be most grateful! :cheers:

Postby Tracker Smurf » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:39 pm
I agree... Im still trying to pick up on all these little tidbits of smurf figure history

Postby Smurfysmurf » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:09 pm
There are a few threads in which Andre explained his findings.

For example these two


:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby Tracker Smurf » Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:43 pm
Thanks...interesting read.

Postby Bluebell » Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:30 am
Thanks Maureen. Shame on me for not exploring the forum more thoroughly!

That is fascinating stuff :shock:
It's clear an enormous amount of research has gone into those postings :adore: :adore: :adore:
I feel very lazy, expecting this info to be handed to me on a plate :oops:

Postby André » Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:18 am
Thanks for enjoying the threads I am making. :D

I understand that it is hard to understand everything in these threads if you just started with smurfs.

For example when I just started with smurfs I was happy having one 20072 trumpetplayer. Even when you have 3 or 4 you are just happy trying to get the ones mentioned in the DSK IV smurfcatalogue.

But when you have more than 10 and all with Bully markings, you start thinking. At least if you know that Schleich sold these between 1981 and 1984. How come non are marked Schleich?? They are on Schleichposters and in Schleich dealercatalogues, so Schleich made and sold these.

I don´t like when it is like that!! :lol: :lol: It has to be a reason. NO company, especially not Schleich would manufacture, distribute and sell these without their marking. So therefore my mind gets going.

We know that Bully stopped and was not allowed to make smurfs after 31 december 1979. So let´s assume Bully made an enormeuos amount of smurfs 1979 and these smurfs were sold by dealers for a long time since they had them in stock. Still this don´t explain why there are no Schleichmarked ones. If Schleich makes a smurf for 6 years if should be pretty easy to find one with Schleichmarking.

If you take 20111 Amor. This was made 1979 by Bully. So made by Bully for not more than one year. Schleich made this smurf between 1980 and 1986 which means 6 years.

How come that if you get 7 of these from different collections in Germany you should be happy if one of them are marked Schleich.

If they were marked by the company making them it should be the other way around.

You should find 6 Schleichmarked ones before finding a Bullymarked one. I think all collector recognize this. All the smurfs Bully made ( articlenumbers between 20068 and 200121) are very easy to find with Bully markings. But many of these Bully on manufactured for one year. :o

So I think all collectors understand that it is not possible that Schleich made for example 20072 (Trumpet) with Schleich marking for 5 years. Then it would be very very easy to find one with their marking, right??

And this together with all the other information, markings, catalogues etc. tells us Schleich must have sold it with Bullymarking??

So together with all the pictures from other collectors helping me with these threads( big thanks :-D ) I think we together can solve most of the questions we have regarding Schleich and Bully. Remember we have only started. We have only reached smurf 20076 yet!! :o :lol:

So keep up the good work everybody posting and enjoy the reading all collectors not possible to post. :D The readers are as important as the ones writing and posting. No point writing a book if nobody wants to read it, right?? :lol:

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