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Smurf Book Help
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:16 pm
by bwalters
Hi All; In my data base it says I have a book called (wonderfull world of Smurfs) I can't find it.. Anyone know what it looks like? I do have a book that is for the Panni stickers that is not listed in my data base. I don't see the words (wonderful world of Smurfs) on it anywhere. Not sure if thats what I meant or not. I normally list who makes thing and clearly the sticker book says Topps on it.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:30 pm
by Smurfysmurf
I have this one, Bill
It's a really small fold out book that comes in a little box so that it doesn't look like book

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:00 pm
by bwalters
Thanks Moey; That's what it is. I forgot about it. Now I just have to enter the Topps one in my data base.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:18 pm
by CapriSmurf
Not exactly related... but ..
Moey has answered your query.
I am currently being overrun by Smurfs and was smurfing I should index them in some way, if you have a database that I could have a copy of, it would save me a lot of time on what I was intending to do to catalogue mine ....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:01 pm
by bwalters
Hi CapriSmurf; I do have a data base that I made in microsoft works, but it is in another computer. That is older. I can copy what I have but it will be on the old 3.5 floppy. My new computer won't take that. All I did was take and title the colums Number, Name(what it is and name of Smurf), year made, quanity I have, producer, price, comments,and total. I have used formulas to take the qty X the price to do the total for me. I used to have totals on the bottom to tell what everything is worth and the total items I have but some how I lost them. I never really looked at them anyway. Most of your microsoft databases have a report creator or something like that. I think Excell has one and word. Fairly easy to make.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:31 am
by CapriSmurf

Cheers anyhow Bill, I was just trying to be lazy .. not re-inventing the wheel and all that. I'll create a database to try and cataloge my Smurfs.
Hi CapriSmurf; I do have a data base that I made in microsoft works, but it is in another computer. That is older. I can copy what I have but it will be on the old 3.5 floppy. My new computer won't take that. All I did was take and title the colums Number, Name(what it is and name of Smurf), year made, quanity I have, producer, price, comments,and total. I have used formulas to take the qty X the price to do the total for me. I used to have totals on the bottom to tell what everything is worth and the total items I have but some how I lost them. I never really looked at them anyway. Most of your microsoft databases have a report creator or something like that. I think Excell has one and word. Fairly easy to make.