My Smurfy Site
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:47 am
Hi Guys
I haven't been around for a LONG time.... Smurfing sort of come to a screeching holt for me for a while
I hadn't got any smurfs for nearly a year
( shocking I know)
Last thing I purchased was the lastest Schonwald a few weeks ago.
So hopefully I'll get back into it
Just thought I'd let you know that my website has changed.
It was with Yahoo geocities which as you know has closed, I'm still with yahoo though
Could you please update your links pages if you have me on there, I'll also add my new banner here if you wish to update that as well.
If anyone wants me to add them to my links page please PM me your banner and link please. I know there are a lot of new smurf sites since I was posting regulary on here.
My site is so out of date it's not funny...... My Smurfs have been packed away since March as we ripped up our carpets and had floating timber floors laid.
I've been such a slack arse and haven't unpacked was such a big job packing them up!
Brad has offered to help me though, so I might have to take him up on that
I have so many pics to take....I finished off the normal & supers a few years ago but still haven't taken individual pics of the normals's going to be a big job!
Hope you are all going OK

I haven't been around for a LONG time.... Smurfing sort of come to a screeching holt for me for a while

I hadn't got any smurfs for nearly a year

Last thing I purchased was the lastest Schonwald a few weeks ago.
So hopefully I'll get back into it

Just thought I'd let you know that my website has changed.
It was with Yahoo geocities which as you know has closed, I'm still with yahoo though
Could you please update your links pages if you have me on there, I'll also add my new banner here if you wish to update that as well.
If anyone wants me to add them to my links page please PM me your banner and link please. I know there are a lot of new smurf sites since I was posting regulary on here.
My site is so out of date it's not funny...... My Smurfs have been packed away since March as we ripped up our carpets and had floating timber floors laid.
I've been such a slack arse and haven't unpacked was such a big job packing them up!
Brad has offered to help me though, so I might have to take him up on that

I have so many pics to take....I finished off the normal & supers a few years ago but still haven't taken individual pics of the normals's going to be a big job!
Hope you are all going OK