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Flea Marketing Success
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:40 pm
by eggie smurf
For the first time in a couple of months, I was able to go flea marketing. With all the new items that have been coming out, I have spent lots of time going to stores to buy those so it was nice to be able to smurf hunt again. Not only did I find a lot of smurfs and smurfy items I didn't have but I also found these two just hanging around!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:41 pm
by eggie smurf
You can take the girl out of the south but you can't take the south out of the girl!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:44 pm
by eggie smurf
Smurf goodies!
We had a great time hunting and went to four different states in four days and found smurfs in each of them
Staci's purchases
Moey's purchases

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:32 pm
by PVCBlue
VERY KOOL!! What great finds!!!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:38 pm
by eggie smurf
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:43 pm
by PVCBlue
OH TOO FUNNY!!! LOL!! I have that exact bumper sticker! Of course I have never removed it from the package! LOL!!!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:15 am
by Tojo
Wow!! What great finds guys
What a funny coincidence finding the car with the bumper sticker

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:53 am
by Arnhem Smurfs
Great to see great Smurf friends going on a hunt together..
The first one to see was the first one to get I guess....hope that didn't give any problems....
Was in that sense Dyar just to slow or to much a gentleman?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:42 am
by Lia
Fantastic finds and nice to see you all Staci, Maureen and Andrew!
I haven`t found a smurf on a fleamarket in years ( I suppose, people sell them only online here) so I can well imagine what a great day you had!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:23 am
by SmurfingH
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:37 am
by Arnhem Smurfs
I haven`t found a smurf on a fleamarket in years ( I suppose, people sell them only online here)
Lia, than you have to look a bit better I guess, we don't go to fleamarkets so often, but we still find some on the dutch fleamarkets...
Or were we just lucky?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:43 am
by Lia
Yes, you`re lucky!
I always went to Eelde, a huge fleamarket, but since 4 years, there is not one single smurf to be found
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:12 am
by stampysmurf
Wow! What great finds!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:25 am
by Smurfysmurf
Thank you was fun hanging out not only with fellow smurfers but also with good friends
Amazingly, we never fought about the smurfs....but...every time Dyar picked something smurfy up, Stace or I weren't far behind and swooped it up to add to our stacks...I guess, that's how he ended up going home smurfless

but certainly not CDless

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:02 am
by eggie smurf
...I guess, that's how he ended up going home smurfless

but certainly not CDless

Exactly! He probably got more CDs than we got smurfs...but he just claims all my smurfs as his anyway so he didn't really go home smurfless

Don't anyone feel too bad for him! And I didn't search Moey too well before she left (it was way too early in the morning!)....for all I know, I may have none of those smurfs left now

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:31 am
Awesome Smurf find! Looks like you guys had a great time finding all
those Smurf items. I especially like the Smurf Trapeze. I recently got
that one too.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:24 am
by Ritter_Schlumpfenherz
Great to see that you had a ball, guys.
Very well done on finding such a haul of amazing cuties.

Congratulations to you.
Wish I could have been with you.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:51 am
by schtroumpfette
Great finds Staci.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:54 am
by Syd Smurf
I did go home with more cds than Smurfs....but my lucky find was the Gardener with Wheelbarrow that has Hong Kong markings. It's only the 2nd Wheelbarrow I have seen with this marking and my first one was completely broken so I was very satisfied with the find......and if Moey found anything first then Stace and me would just beat her up (after she paid for them of course) until she'd let go of any Smurfs she was holding in the end there wasn't any problems as far as I could see.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:28 pm
by bwalters