I like that one...a very nice suprise and find in your basement
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It's funny you say that there is a commercail on TV where the family is sitting in the SUV and it won't start. The wife asks him now what? Next frame he is driving one with a child on the back. His wife is on a bicycle and another boy is on a one of those skateboard with handles. Not sure if it is local or national.
in San Francisco, they race Big wheels like that Down Vermont St Every Year, called the big wheel race, and its nearly all adults, it's one of the most funnest things to watch, I'm Going to do it next year..
I bet it funny to watch. Not to mention fun to do. Back to what I said earler. The little boy was riding a skate board and the commercial was for Ryan's which is a Buffet resturant. I had everything else right.