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Postby bradley » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:43 pm
We're on the last day of 2008, so looking back what has been your favourite or best smurfy buy/s in 2008?

Mine would have to be my Trudi plush smurfs. I started to collect these at the very beginning of this year. The smaller sized set of 15. And I end the year with 14, all of them but 1 I'm missing to complete the set. Missing Handy Smurf. I managed to buy them all on ebay whenever they popped up, some absolute bargain prices and others a little higher than I would have liked. These plush are really nice and are very smurfy!

Oh, also I completed my set of plastoys this year and they look amazing all displayed!

Postby Tojo » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:58 am
I think my best smurfy buys are probably the carneval medals I picked up on ebay but I also really like the Unicef white smurf, the stamps from Belgium & also the silver coins so it's very hard to decide....
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:46 am
Hi Brad, thanks for starting this thread :cheers:

It's hard for me to decide as I got so many really nice and also rare smurfs that I never thought I would own one day.

Overall, the ones that I am most proud of are these


Finding them in boxes at the Stuttgarter Fleamarket or in the second hand store for 1.50 euro was just absolutly breathtakingly smurfy for me :-D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby bradley » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:52 am
wow Maureen, bargains on some rare promo smurfs. well done!

oh, I really like my unicef white smurf as well Tojo!

Postby bwalters » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:57 am
Hi All; I think Tha Vader Abraham plate, and The BP Promo with congradulations and champion were my best. I also got two Moon playsets this year.
Mr Bill

Postby bradley » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:58 am
I also got two Moon playsets this year.
2 moon sets :shock: I don't even have 1, lol

Postby bwalters » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:11 am
Yea 1 I paid $355 for boxed not put together. The other I paid $100 for and that included a windmill, Smurfettes's bedroom set, sailboat set, and a mushroom playset. The Second Moon playset was missing the window for the door but other than that was just like the one I paid $355 for. The windmill was missing the two window's but I had them.
Mr Bill

Postby SmurfingH » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:36 am
It's really hard to say what my favourites have been as my collection has exploded beyond recognition this year! :) :) In fact I can't say. It's impossible! :-D

Postby Smurf1303 » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:56 am
Good topic. Hong Kong money box of King Smurf, just love that little guy ... and he's helping to save for the surprise cone smurfs -

Postby Tojo » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:59 am
and he's helping to save for the surprise cone smurfs -
Can you ask him if he can save for me too please :-D
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:50 am
My Smurfy buy for this year was the Plastoy Smurfs.
I had three of them for a long time and finally decided to get the rest of
them. In addition, I didn't know a Plastoy Smurf King Coin Bank existed
so I decided to get that as well.
You can view them here:
(Website is only viewable on Internet Explorer)

Postby Gerda » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:57 am
My fav buys of this year had to be my motorised windmill, tree stump and castle.. Heck I think that will be my fav buy for a long time coming. It was a good smurfy year :D

happily smurfing along

Postby bradley » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:16 am
My Smurfy buy for this year was the Plastoy Smurfs.
I had three of them for a long time and finally decided to get the rest of
them. In addition, I didn't know a Plastoy Smurf King Coin Bank existed
so I decided to get that as well.
You can view them here:
that was the same with me. I had 1 plastoy for a number of years until this year when the opportunity to buy them all from Andrew at Toy Dreamers was too tempting so I completed the whole set! Also I brought one of those King Money Boxes. He is great! That then got me interested in buying King Smurfs, both a small and large How2Work King.

Gerda I think you win 'most awesome smurf additions 2008'! :-D

Postby Pitufo » Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:02 am
Mine has been the prototype I bought from Rachel: a lovely smurf from someone who has helped me many times in this crazy smurfy world


Postby Guest » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:38 am
I just did my best buy yesterday. And so I have to wait for this until next year :cheers: It will be better as the Wiwa Fit

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:47 pm
that was the same with me. I had 1 plastoy for a number of years until this year when the opportunity to buy them all from Andrew at Toy Dreamers was too tempting so I completed the whole set! Also I brought one of those King Money Boxes. He is great! That then got me interested in buying King Smurfs, both a small and large How2Work King.
Hey Bradley,
That is awesome you completed the Plastoy Smurfs as well this year and
they do look great when they are displayed all together. I was hoping
they made other Smurf characters besides the 13 they made already.
Theres nothing more than seeing a whole bunch of Smurfs of one
(Website is only viewable on Internet Explorer)

Postby bradley » Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:55 pm
that was the same with me. I had 1 plastoy for a number of years until this year when the opportunity to buy them all from Andrew at Toy Dreamers was too tempting so I completed the whole set! Also I brought one of those King Money Boxes. He is great! That then got me interested in buying King Smurfs, both a small and large How2Work King.
Hey Bradley,
That is awesome you completed the Plastoy Smurfs as well this year and
they do look great when they are displayed all together. I was hoping
they made other Smurf characters besides the 13 they made already.
Theres nothing more than seeing a whole bunch of Smurfs of one
yeah I wish they'd made a few more plastoys, or substituted a couple of the more boring ones (shy, earache etc) for characters like handy and cook. They are a very nice set I never really intended to complete but I'm so happy that I did.

Postby agent smurf » Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:34 pm
Nice smurfs everyone. Brad, where's the thread about the new years resolutions I wanted to reply. I have bought some very nice smurfs last year, my favourites were possibly graduate, show off and hippy smurf but all the others came a close second. Looking forward to buying loads more serious smurfs in 2009.

Postby Lia » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:08 pm
That blue white soccer is a super piece Joaquin!
Imagine, having a smurf from which only 2 exist!

2008 was a great year for my smurfcollection!
I found many rare smurfs with special markings, molds and colorvariations. If I have time, I`ll make new pics


Postby Smurfysmurf » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:21 pm
That blue white soccer is a super piece Joaquin!
Imagine, having a smurf from which only 2 exist!

And to get it from a reliable source makes this the perfect deal :cheers:

New pictures would be great, Lia....you always find the most unusual smurfs :D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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