Hi all.
I spoke to Cleo in person this morning. Firstly she is safe and well and now living in Germany. Having had a very nice chat, Cleo asked me to pass on info to everyone explaining she is trying to work everything out and Thanks everyone for their patience regarding the whole situation.
She is still currently without computer access but hopefully this should be resolved within a few weeks and she is hoping to be back on the smurf scene very soon. She explained that she didn't trust the security of internet cafes and was reluctant to try and keep contact and discuss matters with everyone through this way, as well of course as updating her websites.
Regarding the Malteser smurfs this is what she told me.
She did a bank transfer for the money to Peter Neubauer, questioned the account number at the time as it was different to one she had used in the past with him. She was told that he had opened a new account for these new smurfs to make things easier. It seems that this account number was incorrect and the money has been transfered to the wrong place. The bank, Peter and herself are still trying to get to the bottom of the matter.
Cleo's smurfs are actually still in USA and are being shipped out to Germany with the rest of her belongings so I assume she will be trying to sort any other matters out when she has everything in her possession again and back online. Pete's Pop Rocky smurf I have been assured is in the post as we speak.
As to when exactly Cleo will be returning, I can't say, soon she hopes. I am not sure if I will be in contact with her again and as I am just passing the message on, please don't ask me to pass on any details to her. Hopefully this will explain a little about what has been going on, if not, sorry but I don't really know much more. At least we know Cleo is safe and well and working on sorting things out.