I received this email (below) during the week from an owner of some type of commercial kitchen, and wondered if anyone here would be able to help her out:
Dear Sir,
I am looking for Smurf 3D candy molds. I called Wilton,s and they told me they were not making these nolds any longer. I am a candy maker and am interested in getting a set of these. I have one Jokey which I have had for years.
Do you have any idea where I may find these. I don't remember how many of the smurfs there were it has been so long.
Marjorie [owner]
I am not that knowledgeable on these Wilton Candy Moulds so I was hoping someone here might be able to assist her out with info or anything that would be helpful. Please let me know so I can pass the information on...or if people want to contact her directly then just let me know.
Thank you
