Morning ladies.
Ooops, and pinkie.
I agree totally, a website is a great way of keeping track of your collection, is great fun and very satisfying to make and also gives the rest of us more opportunities to drool over smurf pics.
Regarding what can and can't be done. You are right, IMPS won't allow the words smurf, smurfs or any translation to be used in the domain name. They may not act immediately but will eventually catch you up and insist that the site name is changed which means a lot of hard work. There was a time when there were loads of us using these words in our domains as we did not know about the copyright issues. After lots of gossip, worries and rumours we all got sent cease and decist legal letters explaining that large fines would be issued if we did not stop.
I do understand why they feel so strongly about this, although at the time we were all very upset by it, which is why I try and make everyone aware of the issues before they start and save themselves a lot of extra work in the long run.
Other issues that should be noted. Any smurf clipart or cartoons are also a big no no and will also upset IMPS. I have checked with them and they are okay with us using pics of our own smurfs. This is why, if you notice on Blue Imps and many other sites, we have graphics that have been made out of actual figures rather than the cartoon pics.
As Gray mentions, the copyrights that we have on our sites are for our protection really, to at least try and stop other peple using our pics.
The main advice I would give is, go for it. Try using a free website builder to start (such as Geocities), use your own pics, photos and ideas as it will mean your site is individual. Always ask for help if you get stuck or need some graphics made, there are plenty of us here to help but most of all, have fun with it.
It has been fantastic seeing so many wonderful sites emerge over the last few years and it is now so much easier to cross reference collections to get a better idea of what is common / rare or genuine / fake.