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A smurf collectors worst nightmare!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:45 pm
by Rachel
Hi guys, I came across a fabulous quote from someone today:
zoomar says:
In high school, a friend and I used to shoplift smurfs, repaint them and then take them back to the store and mix them into the display box. We did a gay smurf, a jesus smurf with bloody hands and death smurf with black clothing with skulls. I always hope I'll run into somone who bought one.
Posted 20 months ago.

A nice pic of the smurf display at the comic convention in New York that was mentioned a while back and then I read that post below. It did make me laugh as this could have really messed with a collector's head if they had picked up one of the "modified" smurfs. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:58 pm
by Tojo
Ha ha that is funny :) Wouldn't it be funny to come across one of those modified smurfs somewhere :) Smurf in black with skulls sounds cool 8)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:28 pm
by SA Smurfette
:lol: Cheeky buggers :-D

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:17 am
by smurfieduck
I wouldn't mind seeing these little guys though. They would be nice fakes to have. Other all, they're still smurfies!! :-D

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:10 am
by Guest
Funny story :D :) :)

:-D :beer:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:23 am
by Rachel
Can you imagine how this could cause problems though. A collector who swears blind that these are original because he / she bought them new from a shop which of course they did. :eek:

I can see the funny side of it of course and like Tojo, would love to come across one of these smurfs. :-D

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:13 pm
by Cassiebsg
:lol: :lol:
That was great! And they seem to have some inventive ideas :)

Now, I would probably be convinced that those were real original ones, after all, shop bought. ;) Dog probably would start wondering never seeing them again in shops... only one? Can one be _that_ lucky? ;)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:27 pm
by Smurf1303
I'm on the funny side too.
Love the display box in the link btw, and the guy dressed as skeletor, ah brings back memories of playing he-man with my younger cousin ...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:59 pm
by Syd Smurf
That is amusing would confuse me for a min unless the paint was so obvious.

So maybe that former member of our's was right....maybe they were from his childhood and bought from a shop and.....and pigs may I didn't mean that literally Stace. Settle down Fishy.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:28 am
by Michelle
This is amazing, imagine you've bought one.... :banghead: but in the mean time :cool: because it has his own story.

I want one of these :-D


PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:42 pm
by Rachel
So maybe that former member of our's was right....maybe they were from his childhood and bought from a shop and.....and pigs may fly......
