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Favourite Way To Get Smurfs?
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:14 pm
by Rachel
After some very nice trades with smurfy friends recently it got me thinking what was my favourite way of buying / acquiring smurfs. I suppose I have things I prefer about the different methods, for example, you know what you are getting from an online shop, there is the excitement factor and possible bargain from buying on Ebay but I find a real sense of satisfaction when ever I do a trade because I get a nice feeling that two people are happy.
As a self confessed sniper I do have to admit that you can't beat the excitement of winning something special (and maybe cheap) on Ebay but I am going to have to vote for Trading Smurfs option.
So, what is your favourite way of getting smurfs? 
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:36 pm
by Smurfysmurf
That's a great poll and question, Rachel...I am still undecided.
I get most of my smurfs thru online shops or ebay but it most certainly isn't my favorite way of buying them. I am trying to decide if I prefer fairs or fleamarkets..I loved both as I usually was with friends and we were able to talk about the smurfs we saw and share in the fun of buying them. I liked buying them at Passion as I was surrounded by friends and I had plenty to ask for advise and I also found a few really nice deals...of course you get them cheaper on a fleamarket, but it is also a lucky thing to find them and the search can be frustrating...
What I really like about fairs or fleamarkets though is that there is usually a nice memory connected with the smurf in question and I will live it again when I see the smurf. It is so much more personal getting them that way than online
I haven't done many trades yet, but the few I have made have always been fantastic also and I usually also remember where I got the smurf from, which makes it more personal again
(a little reminder on my website helps Ms. forgetfulness to not forget
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:39 pm
by Pitufo
A really hard to answer question, Rachel!!!!!
You all know I love to buy at fairs...If someone doesn´t believe me, please...
I like to buy on ebay too, but always with carefully, because of the fakers...It is a great pleasure to overbid some collectors I don´t like
A fleamarket is a good place to get smurfs, even more if you find a bargain or a rare one there...The only problem is that there aren´t too many fleamarkets in my city
To trade smurfs is really great: I have been trading last weeks with spanish collectors, and it is funny: as Rachel says, two people are happy
To receive a smurf from a friend as a present is the best...This smurf will occup always a very special place in my cabinet!!!!!
But I think the way I like the most is another: suddenly you receive a mail from someone you know time ago...A big collector, a seller, or someone who know you like smurfs...He offers the smurf, you decide the price, he accepts, you pay, you receive and you are happiest man in the planet!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:40 pm
by Tojo
Most of my smurfs I get from a very nice seller in Heidelberg who Dyar told me about & a few I've bought from ebay & the Brussels fair. I don't have much spare cash to spend unfortunately.
The most satisfaction for me has to be from trading smurfs or smurfy things with other collectors though as then, as you said, two people are happy

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:00 pm
by FlamingO
I think Toy Collectors fairs are my favourite

Because I go and have to hunt all around hoping to spot a smurf and also I have no idea what the smurfs I find might be, so I like the surprise element
If I bid on e-bay, or eventually

get to a smurf fair, then I already know what the smurf is so it's not the same treasure hunt
I think one day I will enjoy trading except that I always feel I having nothing of interest to trade yet

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:25 pm
by Yonna
My favorite way is fleamarkets but easies is ebay. When you find a smurf somewhere as a surprise it's always a great feeling. Ebay and smurf fairs are a bit too easy (depending what you search for).
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 5:39 pm
by SA Smurfette
I voted for Ebay
I never come across Smurfs much at Fleamarkets

and certainly no Smurf Fairs around here
So Ebay and online stores would be where most of mine come from

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:41 pm
by smurfieduck
I voted for on-line shops simply because I don't have the luxury of finding smurfies at flea markets/car boot sales/charity shops etc. I have got most of my smurfies from Ebay but this isn't my favourite means of buying them because I have been ripped off a couple of times.
In the future, I will probably buy the rarer smurfs from reputable sellers eg Michelle.
I would imagine trading smurfs is fun but as yet I haven't done this. I really love buying smurfs from other forum members - Moey, Fishy.....I had a lovely smurfy parcel from Moey recently.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:49 am
by Guest
I'd say most of my common smurfs came from online stores and e-bay, but my really nice stuff has come from Michelle and Dennis !

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:14 am
by Rachel
It is great reading so many different way smurfers prefer to get their smurfs.
Joaquin, I agree, it is always fabulous to receive a suprise present from a smurfy friend.
I think if we had a good local fleamarket I would love to browse to see if I could find any hidden treasures but I never have any luck at the car boot sales I visit.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:54 pm
by Gerda
If I where to find smurfs at flea markets and garage sales I would say that is my favorite way of buying smurfs but I have not had much luck finding any at those places so I am always disapointed after "hunting" for them. So I rely on ebay and a few online shops.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:43 pm
by smurfer
I voted for Smurf Fairs , because I really love those , they are a smurfer's paradise ....
But I think any way for getting a new smurf , is a good way ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:13 pm
by Rachel
Talking of smurf fairs Ron, is the Utrecht fair due or has it gone already?
Are you going?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:47 pm
by smurfer
The fair was yesterday (25th of November) , and Yes , I've been there
I've bought a couple of really nice smurfs , but have no pictures of the fair or smurfs , because my photocamera is broken ..
I hope to find some picture's of the fair soon , on this page :
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:35 pm
by Rachel
Excellent Ron, good to hear you went and even better to hear you got some nice smurfs.
I would so love to be able to go to all the different fairs.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:55 am
by Guest
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:06 am
by Ritter_Schlumpfenherz
I love trading with friends and going to smurf fairs. However since I started out as a fleamarket hunter, I voted for fleamarkets/gargage sales and car boots. For a fleamarket can be both a challenge and a thrill, there is nothing to it.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:00 pm
by Smurfysmurf
I have finally made up my mind...there is nothing like receiving a smurfy package from a friend...I got lucky twice today...One arrived at lightening speed from around the world from a very good friend who helped me out with some auctions and then even paid for the shipping (

) and the other one was from a good friend in the South of Europe who sent me two lovely and adorable CNTs...
Yes, most definitly my most favorite way of getting those smurfs suddenly get more valuable as there is a story behind them