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Postby eggie smurf » Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:48 pm
We went to Target today and only found two brainy beanies - the shelves were pretty bare otherwise and only had the old stuff there. Kind of annoying that they aren't here yet though :banghead:
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:41 am
Sounds like what my Target looked like..minus the Brainy beanies.

I am going to the Chatt part of the 127 yardsale this Saturday with some friends and I am hoping to convince them that we also need to check all Targets for smurfs :)
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:54 am
Smurfysmurf, Good luck finding some Smurfs this Saturday!
I'm at work right now, but I will be visiting Target today in
search of what ever Play Along Smurfs I need or even new
ones if they are on the shelves. Keeping my fingers cross.
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Postby bwalters » Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:51 am
OMG Pic's will come tonight. I just went to Toys R Us. I found the Beach, Picnic, Bakery, Band, Sports, and Extreme Sports playsets for $9.99 each. I ran out of cash but they have the windmill playset also. They also have a box of benies which they haven't had before in the box was a handy benie. The others looked diffrent to me but I will check what I have before I buy them all.
Mr Bill

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:43 pm
Way to go bwalters! That is great news to see those items in one of their
stores and maybe they'll have them in other stores in the U.S. Woo Hoo!
I can't wait to see some pics of the new Smurfy Stuff!
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Postby SmurfingH » Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:02 pm
Can't wait to see what you've got, Bill. :-D :) :)

Postby Cool Smurf » Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:37 pm
Thanks, SMURFSTEROCKS and Gerda! 8)

That is so cool about finding all of those theme packs and the windmill, bwalters! :D
Robin, you dog, you- Vanity "The Adventures of Robin Smurf"

Postby bwalters » Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:44 pm
OK Everyone. Here are the pic's. The first is the Extreme Sports Pack. Second is th Beach Pack. Third is the Picnic Pack. Fourth is the Bakery pack. Fifth is the Sports Pack. Sixth is the Band Pack.
Mr Bill

Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:22 pm
I still like the beach pack best, closely followed by the music pack.

The sports pack made me chuckle...I wonder how many will change the places of the smurfs :)

Thank you for the pictures, Bill....and ...didn't I tell you you'd be the first to get them :D :cheers:

BTW...was Handy like the other beanies or like the ugly ones?
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby bwalters » Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:40 pm
Moey; Handy is like the old ones and I wasn't sure if the others hadn't changed so I looked they are pretty much the same I didn't see any diffrence's in them. I now have to get The windmill it was $29.99 and I only had about $70 on me. We didn't get paid today so I will take all the playsets back if we don't tomorrow. If we were not going to be paid this pay period no one know's about it. I know the boss emailed all of us telling us she would pay us for all our unused vacation on the 15th but we should be paid for 1 week. Going to be a lot of ticked off people if we are not.
Mr Bill

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:41 pm
Wow! I got just as lucky as you did bwalters! I picked up 2 Smurf
Windmills, Bakery Pack, Sport Pack, Extreme Sport Pack and Picnic Pack
at ToysRUs. I didn't see the Band Pack but at least I know they will
have them. I also picked up another set of the new figures except for
Nanny/Grandpa figures at Target. They didn't have no more. I got to see
those new Ugly Smurf Beanies and I refuse to get any. They weren't even
sewn right, and last but not least I stopped at a thrift shop where last
year I bought some PVC Smurfs and found the Smurfette I was missing
to this years set and pick up a few others for just $4 each. Woo Hooo!
(I'll post some pics soon.)

Here are the pics!

Image Image
Image Image
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Postby bwalters » Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:55 pm
Wow That is so cool Smurfster. My Toys R Us had two of each of everything but I didn't have enough money to get more. @Moey Yes you did say I would get them first. I wonder if it has anything to do with distribution Centers Both Toys R Us and Walmarts are about 100 miles from me.
Mr Bill

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:12 pm
bwalters, I'm glad you got to pick some up too.
The ToysRUs where I live had like 5 Smurf Windmills when I got
there and maybe just 2 of each of the packs. I am just so happy I didn't
have to order them on line and I want to go back soon to get me some
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Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:18 pm
Great pictures from both of you :cheers:

Those new beanies are just odd though...I don't think I am going to get any of them...but then..that's what I said of that really ugly smurf from Toys R Us.
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby Gerda » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:23 pm
man you guys are lucky. My stores still don't have any of the new figures but Robert picked up those ugly plushes. Seems like I am always the last to get these, even though the stores online says I should have them :banghead:
happily smurfing along

Postby bwalters » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:24 pm
Thanks for the Pic's Smurfsterocks. I have the same problem you do if I get too close to the item I am trying to take a pic of. What I do is stand back and zoom in I don't get the brightness that way. Now all I have to do is find the new playsets and get the windmills and Handy Benie. I see you got the whole box of the ugly benies. I wonder why they changed the materal only on the bodys.
Mr Bill

Postby PVCBlue » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:36 pm
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

OK Everyone. Here are the pic's. The first is the Extreme Sports Pack. Second is th Beach Pack. Third is the Picnic Pack. Fourth is the Bakery pack. Fifth is the Sports Pack. Sixth is the Band Pack.
"Smurfs, Smurfs, and More Smurfs!"

Postby bwalters » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:44 pm
I really wasn't going to go to Toys R Us today I was on my way to Target and at the last second I said I'll stop in here first and see if they have anything. I spent so much time I didn't have enough left to go to Target. I guess I will have to start making stops every chance I get.
Mr Bill

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:47 pm
@Gerda - A Gentlemen at Target told me they were going through a
quarterly change in the toys department, (what ever that meant) and he
said they might have them, but they wouldn't be out on the shelves soon.
I'm sure they'll be all over the place soon... even at Wal-Mart.

@bwalters -
Yeah, picture taking is very hard especially when you use the flash and
the item has plastic all over the front. I didn't buy any of those UGLY
Smurf beanies, I actually looked at them for a while and checked them
out real good, they weren't even sewn right. They were about 5.99 each.
Terrible job on those Smurfs. I was sure I did not want to buy one.

@Smurfysmurf, I know for sure you will find them this Saturday!
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Postby SmurfingH » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:55 pm
Those are great pictures. The packs look awesome!! :-D :) :)
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