For everyone wanting to run right out to Walmart and buy these, slow down.
Looks like somebody couldn't wait, Garyl you may have to wait for them to hit the shelves at Walmart, but I stopped at TARGET today and they had the figure 2 packs and the beanie smurfs!!! WOOO HOOO!!!
It was AWESOME seeing Smurfs in the stores after all these years!! I am going to do the one thing some people will cringe to do, I am going to OPEN them!! I have already opened my mushroom house playsets and they are awesome!! All the accessories and stuff that come with them and they open so you can see inside and "play" !!! LOL!!That's interesting to see Maureen. The more I see those houses the more I like them
The plush smurfs they've got a Jokey Smurf shown but there is only 5 in the set on ebay and what Gary has brought. No Jokey and no dvd with them. So those plush smurfs on the Target website must be new additions to the already released singing plush. The listings say batteries included and they cost the same price as the Papa, Smurf & Smurfette that are out. So a Vanity and Jokey added to the set! Gary says the other 5 plush are beanie bear size. I thought they'd be larger.Target online has themlooks like there is also a DVD with the new plushes ... =sr_bx_1_1
I hope they add more smurf characters to this line. I'm really into plush smurfs at the moment. Spent all of last year collecting the Trudi plush smurfs, I also completed the large sized PUPPY made set with Normal Smurf (thanks to Christy), and also got the 2 AH plush Smurf & Smurfette and PUPPY same sized Papa. So the Play Along plush really excite me. And if they are adding more of the 12" talking ones I guess I'll have to have them too!On Play Along's website, it talks about these 5 different beanie smurfs being in the first assortment as if there will be more series (I suppose if the interest holds that is)
that is great to hear Bill! well done!When I was at Target tonight I did get all 6 of the packaged smurfs. I only got two of the plush they had three more. Grouchy Vanity, And Smurf but I have to eat for the next week I would have passed on Papa and Smurfette but there was only one of each left. Judgeing from the space in the box I would say that I am not the only one buying them. I hope to get the display box also. I will buy what ever they have left next week.
Thanks for the offer BillHi Tojo; I don't know if you can get them over there. But if you or anyone else needs help let me know. I thought someone said they were $15 a piece the one's I got were only $6 each. They might have been talking about the bedroom set. Or the houses I haven't found them yet. I will look at the other stores again in a week or so.
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