Sorry i have'nt said anything yet about my visit to smurf heaven, but since i got home, i have been absloutely knackered !
I left for Rachel's on saturday morning, catching the train to her local station ! The journey down there was manic at times, the train was just too small to cater for the amounts of people boarding ! I was lucky really that i get free travel on these trains, as the bus company i work for also own these trains too, so i cant complain ! Arrival at Neath station was on time, and Rachel was there waiting for me, although for a second, i did'nt even notice her walking towards me !

Sorry Rach !
It was about a 20 minute drive up into the hills to Rachel's house ! As we arrived in the village, Rachel decided to give me a grand tour of the village in the car, we drove up and down two streets i think, or, in a circle, and she said, that's it !

I find places like this great because living in the city, all i get used to is noise and the hustle and bustle, but this was so relaxing ! I was later informed that the village was actually classed as a town, how, i dont know, i think i counted 15 shops, and that was including take-aways !
We got to the house where Richard was waiting, and also the two most loveable creatures you could ever meet ! The Dogs, Kenny and Kyle ! Into the house we went, and the smurfing started straight away ! A big glass of girls black pop was put in front of me, and we got down to scene making ! Rachel's workspace for making her village is great, because she has everything more or less at her fingertips, so she does seem well organised !
Rachel offered to let me help, which i was grateful for, as i like anything like this ! She learnt me a couple of things and the making began ! This set up the scene for the day , also moving the village, drooling in the smurf room, which is simply amazing !
I just could'nt help but having a few mad moments with dogs over the course of the day ! They were just soooooooo cute !
By teatime, Rachel introduced me to Welsh Cider, called Taffy Apple !

It was gorgeous, and soon we were onto the wine ! Most of you know i dont drink, and Rachel even tried to claim she did'nt either

Yeah, whatever ! And the kebab was lovely too !
We had lots of laughs on the saturday night, serious smurf convo's too at times ! So it ended in a very pleasureable day !
I was first up on sunday morning, and Rachel did'nt even realise that i went for an early morning jog around the village, i mean, town
People, its so tiny, there's no way it's a town, its a tiny village !
We had brekkie and they took me up into the hills to enjoy the scenery ! WOW ! It is gorgeous ! They are so lucky living where they do ! We visited a local car boot, but no smurfs !
We smurfed it some more back at the house and completed smurfhenge ! The village is great to look at, pictures do not do it justice sometimes ! Its awesome ! Rachel has plenty of other ideas up her sleeve and when these come to fruition, it's gonna be even better, if thats at all possible !
Sadly it was time to go, i learnt alot over the weekend, about smurfs, website making, how to drink

Rachel and Richard were great fun to hang out with, and nothing is too much trouble for them, they were brilliant, i can't wait to go again now !
One bad thing i did do, was when i was leaving, after having such a great time with the dogs, i somehow never said goodbye to them, but since then, i have sent them a PM
Back to the station, where we found my train was delayed, so they walked me around Neath town centre, a proper decent sized town centre

They showed me a pub where they used to go to, it was so run down, and they told me it was still open

Wales always has its surprises i guess !
My train was almost an hour late by the time it came, but they stayed with me, and then we said our goodbyes and away i went ! The train journey home was very quiet, and i was soon home, and straight to bed ! Smurfed out !
Thanks Rachel and Richard for a great weekend ! And to Kenny........WOOF WOOF !