Hi all i got this sockel cheap on ebay a little while ago i supose because his heart is a little chewed. i had him sent to me snail mail and he arived on valentines day, so i thought that was very apropriate.

I noticed just befor i went to bed the other day that he looked a bit odd i dont know how i missed it befor but i looked again and to my surprise he hasnt got any pupils or mouth or painted eyebrows.

has anyone else got one like this or could it be a painting error??
Smurfy regards, steve.
P.S yes look out sockel fans this is going to be my secondery collection iv just started i have got only 4 at the mo

Anyone got any spair??
P.P.S What do you class a sockel as? I mean dos sockel mean a smurf on a stand/plinth? I hope all you socel experts can give me some advice on collecting these and what to look out for?