Problem is, I´m missing so many smurfs and I don´t want to use any pictures without permisson.
Here´s little list of pics I´d need:
20136 Halloween w/ Pumpkin
20153 Santa Smurfette
20155 Traffic
20166 Baseball Pitcher
20178 Tracker
20180 Papa w/ Pizza
20184 Bullfighter
20185 Sailor
20186 Baseball Smurfette
20188 Majorette
20189 Smurf w/ Dustpan
20190 Smurfette w/ Ice Cream
20195 Graduate w/ Diploma
20197 Smurf w/ Ear of Corn
20200 Christmas Smurfette
20201 Christmas smurf with lantern
20204 Smurfette with flute
20208 Xmas Smurfette with short coat
20210 Smurfette golfer
20211 Smurf Basketball
20216 Smurf in Tuxedo
20217 Smurfette in Gown
20218 Baby with Butterfly
20219 Surprise Pink bag
20220 Surprise Orange bag
20221 Surprise Green bag
20228 Fitness
20402 Slouchy
20403 Nat with Caterpillar
20405 Puppy
20406 Nanny´s pal Smoogle
20407 Wild´s pal Chitter
20408 Nanny
20409 Patriot Smurf
20422 Tramp
20424 Papa thinking
20425 Gargamel Angry
20426 Pupil
20427 Caveman
20428 Cavewoman
20433 Smurfette Jockey
20434 Slouchy with cone
20436 Saxophone
20438 Mobile phone
20439 Azrael Sitting
20443 Inline Skater Smurfette
20445 Disco Smurfette
20446 Smurf child with Doll
20447 Smurf child with Truck
20455 Tourist
20457 Aerobic Smurfette
20458 Paper Boy
20461 Leather Shorts
20462 Care Taker
20467 Chimney sweep
20471 Carpenter
20472 Referee
20473 Hiker
20474 Adventurer
20475 Safari Smurf
20476 Parachutist
20491 Smurf painting Easter Egg
20492 Smurf in Egg
20496 Papa Conductor
20501 Paul Revere
20502 Ben Franklin
20504 Thomas Edison
20505 George Washington
20506 Abraham Lincoln
20515 Smurf with Egg on Back
20516 Smurf eating Egg
20518 New Basketball Smurf
20520 Techno Smurf
As you can see there´s quite many of them and I don´t dare to ask anyone to photo them all. 2-4 group pics would help too